July 18, 2023

Did 3-4 things and sleep inertia

7:03 AM (of Wednesday, July 19th 2023)

Today is Tuesday, July 18th 2023. I started this habit yesterday (Monday) of walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes and then doing some minimal strength exercises like doing pull ups and push ups every day. It's not easy. It takes time and conscious effort to walk on the treadmill and do these exercises. I'm walking on the treadmill now as I write this and it is sort of easy, sort of not easy. I mean it's easy because it doesn't take too much effort, but it's not easy because I am getting a little hot and sweaty too.

And when I look at the time, it goes by so slowly while on a treadmill. A minute feels like an eternity. I have to distract myself with something on the computer for the time to go by a lot faster. I know I put the minimal time to be 30 minutes on the treadmill, but I have walked for an hour both days today and yesterday so far. I didn't mean to walk for an hour both days, it's just what ended up happening.

Today (Tuesday) I wrote yesterday's (Monday's) journal entry while on the treadmill for an hour, and I also organized my desktop a bit. Yesterday (Monday) I cleaned up my download's folder which just had thousands of files I had downloaded online, and I organized those into folders and places that made more sense for those files. Today I did the same thing for the desktop, because I had overlooked that it had a lot unorganized files there too. It didn't take very long to do it for my desktop since it seemed pretty organized to begin with already.

After I finished organizing my desktop and finished writing my journal entry, I did some strength exercises. I have at minimum that I would do at least 5 pull ups and 10 push ups a day. I did 25 push ups, just because I did like 15 in one go which was easy, and then another 10 just for fun. Then I did 8 pull ups or something like that. I did 3 extra just because I felt like it. The minimum amount is what is important to do, anything more than that is extra and just for fun.

After that I basically spent the entire rest of the day doing nothing. I did do some work too, but for some reason I was disconnected from the servers and couldn't do much about fixing that. I tried for a while to fix it to no avail.

So I spent most of the day just browsing the Internet and reading some manga. A pretty wasteful day to be honest, other than the first 3-4 things I did that day, which I think was offset by the amount of things I ate the rest of the day.

I found out my songs today had around 50k total listens too. Just a bit over 50k. I contemplated taking them all down except for "We Made a Promise" which is my most listened to song with around 26k listens all on its own. I contemplated taking them down because they sounded a bit too romantic and cringey maybe, and didn't sound that great, and didn't have that many listens to begin with. I kept them up though because they've already been up this whole time.

I did some other things. I mainly read this one manga online, and I basically read through the wikia of it already, so I know what happens in the story and stuff like that. So I would post in the comments stuff I knew that would happen, with spoiler tags of course, for a few chapters that I read. Someone really enjoyed it and started liking all my comments with the spoilers a few hours later. I would spoil things related to that current chapter. Like if there was a potential romance between two characters, since I already knew what would happen, I would post a spoiler warning and the spoiler of if they get together or not. I'd also post things that possibly answered any unanswered questions in that chapter. Like the main character is not able to perform a spell for some reason despite being all powerful, I'd post the explanation, which is not yet known, as a spoiler.

That's pretty much all that happened all day. Oh yeah, the electricity went out for maybe an hour or so tonight too. I just sat in the dark for a bit. Whenever the power goes down I always initially think "did I forget to pay the electricity bill this month?" and then I would look outside the window and see my entire neighborhood has no electricity. At least water was still on, so I brushed my teeth and flossed. Shortly after, like.a minute after, the electricity came back on.

Another thing is about sleep inertia. It's supposed to be this groggy feeling after waking up in the morning. I don't know if that's what I feel whenever I wake up from an afternoon nap, but it's some very nostalgic and existential feeling that I feel. It's been happening for as long as I can remember, after waking up from an afternoon nap I would feel this existential dread. I would think about all my family members who are still alive and be thankful, and also have this overall introspection on the present and my present circumstances. This has happened from every waking afternoon nap, and I don't know how to describe it. I'd also have this dry throat feeling where I'd want to drink a lot of water, and this sort of weird vertigo feeling too. It's weird.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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