Aug. 2, 2023

Remade challenges and set up a new discord, vegan "influencer" that died

10:14 AM (of Thursday, August 3rd 2023)

Today is Wednesday, August 2nd 2023 and it was a pretty good day today. I woke up early and did a lot of cleaning in the morning. I washed the dishes and cleaned the counters. I pretty much wash the dishes every day but I can let the counters get dirty for a while.

Anyway on the viral news today there was this 39 year old Russian vegan living in Malaysia named Zhanna D'art or Zhanna Samsonova. She ate a raw vegan diet and hasn't drank water in 6 years and instead got it from the fruits she ate. She was also very underweight, pretty much skin and bones, and likely barely ate anything when she did eat. Her mom says she got a cholera-like disease and was hospitalized and she ends up dying, the cause of death was undetermined.

News articles picked it up and said she died of "starvation" and a lot of meat eaters would comment that she died because she was vegan, because she was against harming and killing animals. The same day or so, a 25 year old meat eating celebrity named Angus Cloud also died, although he did get some attention as well, he was pretty much largely ignored, overshadowed by the death of this vegan. She also wasn't that huge of an influencer either, around 15k followers at the time of her death, although her tiktoks did garner millions of views. Views don't necessarily mean a large following though, I have 2-3 million views on YouTube with only around 2000 or so subscribers.

There were of course more reasonable people commenting as well, saying she died from an eating disorder or that she died from cholera or the cholera-like disease. However, most people rushed into using their cognitive bias to confirm that this is why they should continue torturing and killing billions of animals, because a severely underweight 39 year old that didn't drink water for 6 years, limited her diet to.a few fruits, and possibly got cholera, died. Yeah they ignore everything else and focus on her choosing not to harm animals, as the cause of her death.

There are already vegans since birth that are 70+ years old today, one example is Mark Huberman on YouTube. I actually have a Facebook friend who is a 4th generation born vegan, not going to give out his name, I couldn't right now anyway because I don't even remember his name, but he recently got married and is 6'3". A popular celebrity vegan example is Joaquin Phoenix who's been vegan since 3 years old, his family is also vegan. Unfortunately his brother, River Phoenix, died at 23 from a drug overdose, he had some amazing vegan stories though while he was alive. I always wonder what the world would be like if Al Gore (who is also vegan) won the presidency and if River Phoenix had kept on living. Who knows?

Anyway I spent most of my morning on Twitter just browsing around. Maybe Instagram too.

In the afternoon I logged into Habitica and found out that they were closing down the tavern and guilds. I took action on that, making a new discord for all the guilds that I ran. Regular users don't know this, but guild owners have no moderating abilities in their own guild. They are just another guild member. They can't kick users or delete messages, the only extra permission they have is that they can edit the guild description.

Then I renewed the Habitica challenges I hosted, and took part in some chatting in Habitica for a bit. It's kind of interesting they're taking out the tavern and guilds, because that's basically the only place where you can show off your equipment, pets, mounts, and achievements. What is the point in getting all of that if no one else can see it?

That's kind of my logic in why I don't go traveling alone and adventuring alone, and also why I don't care about buying expensive cars or houses. Because I'd experience all these things alone. If I had a partner then sure, those things might be cool to have to impress them. Otherwise, it wouldn't impress me, so I wouldn't care about having those things.

I miss the women that have gone through my life too. They were all really nice. AJN fasted with me for a long time. She's easily one of the coolest and nicest people I've met. We had some pretty good times together. She came just when I needed her and helped me with a lot of my life problem, mainly the serious weight gain I got during the pandemic. I could write about everyone, but it's all good. I miss everyone. I miss my past friends too. I moved to an island and pretty much isolated everyone from my life.

I signed up for Hinge a few days ago here and I don't have any matches using my best photos :(. Is it the location? Is it because I put in 0 effort into my profile? Is it because I put that I'm only looking for a "short term" relationship? When I visited Boston last year though, I used the photos I had at the time and I matched with several people in a day or two. I have better photos now in my opinion, and I didn't match with anyone.

Anyway I'm leaving my 20s soon, in less than two months I'm going to be in my 30s. I can't stop time either, no matter what I do, September will come, and it will pass as well. I hope I live to my 30s and beyond to be honest.

The only thing I ate today was a bit of peanut butter and jelly, no bread, with some almond milk. I was supposed to be fasting again since August 1st, so I haven't gone out and bought any food in a few days. I still ate whatever I had at home though, and that was some peanut butter and jelly and no bread. I do have some oats, and rice, and beans, lots of those, but that requires cooking, and I wasn't starving enough to feel like doing that.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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