Aug. 13, 2023

Played Fortnite for the first time, got over 1000 Twitter followers, did other stuff

11:54 PM

I played Fortnite for the first time on Friday, August 4th with Emma and we won the first 3 games I ever played. The game takes place on this island and you basically fight other players using the weapons and materials found on the island, until you're the last one left. The game mode is literally called "Battle Royale" named after the manga of the same name, which was later adapted to a live action movie, where students at a school are forced to go to an island to fight and kill each other.

Emma and I played duo mode which is a team mode game, it's you and a partner against all the other teams. There are 50 teams per total per game, and 100 players per game. It's supposed to be a rarity and difficult to win a game, and she's definitely an experienced player, but we won our first 3 games really easily. I was actually surprised that we won, so easily too. She told me it took her 1.5 years of playing before she won her first game, I'm assuming she played solo mode though. Anyway yeah, we dominated.

I attached screenshots of the first games we played, it shows how many players took part and the ranking that we got. For that first game too, we landed right in front of a llama and Emma said that was incredibly rare. That you could play like a hundred games and not encounter a llama, and we found it on our first game, and we won our first game. Isn't that incredible?

At some point we basically stopped caring about the score. I actually didn't care about the score since the very first game. I pretty much had no idea what to do in that first game anyway, like I didn't even know how to build anything. It was many games too before I learned how to switch materials in the game, I had only been building with wood until then. But yeah Emma is a good and experienced player at the game, so she carried me the whole time.

We started playing Rocket League first before this. It was on Thursday, August 3rd that we played Rocket League together, and had matching cars. It was fun, but Rocket League is quite a hard game. She basically destroyed me from the get-go since I had no idea how to play, but she's so nice and let me win and score a bunch of times, and I ended up winning our first match together, only because she let me do whatever.

The reason we started playing Rocket League too was because I started listening to this mgtow guy named Itachi Mgtow. Mgtow is this "men's rights movement" which stands for men going their own way, basically it's men who don't want a girlfriend or wife. I'm not one of them, I want to get a girlfriend and to get married, maybe even have a nuclear family (depends if my partner also wants it. Most people I've dated don't want kids, I'm fine either way).

The mgtow guys then splinter into smaller groups such as ones that never want anything to do with women, not even have them as friends, and they're called "monk mode mgtow". Then there's the mgtow guys who want to sleep with as many women but never commit, they're called the "pick up artist (PUA) mgtow" or "red pill mgtow", and anyone in either PUA or Red Pill actually opposes the other, but they're the same thing. They are the same thing.

How I ended up listening to Itachi Mgtow, was I found this Reddit alternative called "" and there was this big mgtow community there, it's like the biggest community on the site I think. So there was this list of "Mgtow Resources" pinned and I checked it out. I like researching and looking at other people's viewpoints. Yeah I look at them all, even ones I disagree with. I'm a vegan and I am against the idea of animal torture and animal killing, which is why I don't eat them because torture and killing is the norm in the animal agriculture industry, and we don't even need to eat animals in the first place. I bring this philosophy with me everywhere and it's hard for me to take another person's morality, ethics, or philosophy seriously when they are harming others for pleasure. So when I read and listen to random philosophical viewpoints like mgtow or red pill, I don't really take them seriously most of the time, but Itachi Mgtow was the exception because he randomly happens to be vegan as well.

So I look through this resources list and I recognize some names. Itachi Mgtow stood out to me, because they used the name Itachi. That's this character from this manga/anime called Naruto, which was one of the biggest and most famous manga/anime of all time about ninjas. Itachi is the most "dark" and "mysterious" badass character in the series. He's the older brother of Sasuke who is one of the main characters, and he's dark, mysterious, and cool too. All the girls in the series are into Sasuke because of those qualities, but Itachi is like 10x those. Itachi is this elite ninja who was able to join the elite police force in his city as a kid, meaning he was very skilled.

Itachi has a bunch of cool "ninjutsu" or ninja spells too such as being able to turn his body into a flock of crows to vanish. Like Itachi is just standing there completely pitch black and parts of his body start flying away, as his body eventually turns into a flock of crows. It's hard to describe but it's like Batman vanishing from sight all cool after another character looks away, but it's way cooler because Itachi is fully visible as he disappears. He can also create a fire that burns for eternity, and the spell is called Amaterasu. To cast ninja spells, the ninjas have to form hand symbols representing the animals of the Chinese zodiac, and it's just so cool when they form these hand symbols and then some magic happens.

Oh the coolest thing about Itachi is his eyes. There are these ninja spells called dojutsu, or eye technique, and his eyes can basically put people into an illusion when someone looks at his eyes. He can also copy any ninja spell that someone else is casting, because he can copy anyone's movements using his eyes, but he never does this. Oh yeah the writing for Naruto is very imperfect and there are lots of loopholes. Anyway I can go on a completely different tangent forever, but let's go back to Itachi Mgtow.

If a women listened to him, they'd probably think he's very misogynistic. He's this 22/23 year old kid basically and he's had a bunch of girlfriends in high school. He talks about his experiences with women, and he's very captivating. He gives general life advice about general things like work, life, women, and tells stories about why he gives the advice he gives. I think in general he's a good kid, he loves women, he even says that, there is this one girl he fell in love with named Jasmine and they went out for a while, separated for a bit, and then shortly after she ended up having a kid with another guy. He wanted to get back with her, but this news broke him, and no way was he going to raise someone else's kid, so he decided to just never commit ever again and go mgtow.

Anyway, this guy talking real well motivated me to try and start my own podcast and do what he's doing. Well he didn't really have a podcast either, he just uploaded YouTube videos with some anime picture and his voice talking in the background. He told really good stories though, and gave reasonable opinions, like I said he's vegan too. It's fun listening to him. So I thought I could do the same, but the problem is I never really speak with anyone and your voice gets weaker if you don't use it, so I had a really weak voice.

I told Emma I had some podcast episode idea and she could join in mainly to listen while I did most of the talking. She recommended we play a game while doing it, so I was like great idea, and so we played Rocket League together. The podcast idea was there at first, but we ended up just chatting about a lot of different things and I've never explored the podcast idea since. It's been over a week now since we've been playing daily together, talking about each other's lives, for several hours a day. It's fun and she's cool.

I'm really sleepy now as I write this. I reset my computer today. I went to Office Depot yesterday and bought a backup hard drive, moved all my files over, and reset my computer because I wanted a fresh start. But yeah other than that, nothing new really happened. I cleaned up my home a few times since then, I reached over 1000 followers on Twitter a few days ago, and I think that's it. Not much other news. I'm so sleepy. The past few week or so has just been me playing games with Emma every day since August 3rd. Not much has really happened before or since.

Written by JustMegawatt

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