Aug. 14, 2023

Basically just worked all day

11:02 PM

Speech to text sucks. Also sometimes my autocorrect doesn’t work, I don’t get it. Back in 2016 I questioned why anybody would write anything substantially long using their phone. I can’t do it. I’m on my phone now but I think I’m gonna go back to typing this on a laptop.

11:15 PM

I'm back on my laptop now. I read my old "The Trouble with Moore's Law and Peak Technology" entry, and it was a really good read. I liked it. I can't believe I wrote it. I don't even remember that I wrote it. I mean of course I remember that I wrote it, but I don't remember everything that I wrote in it. To expand the topics further; chairs, tables, bookshelves, etc. have reached their peak technology states a long time ago. A table from the 1700s isn't going to be much better or more advanced than a table made in 2023, heck the table in 2023 might even be inferior, made from weaker parts with far less design. I say that as I type this from a $40 foldable table from Wal-Mart.

So what was I getting at? Something newer isn't better. I don't really know how we're going to advance much further than where we're at today. I know something similar was said in the early 1900s by a prominent scientist at the time, prior to Einstein's miracle year papers, that all math and physics was already solved, the only remaining problems to solve were precise decimal calculations. I am saying that about today's technology too. We've solved it. We've solved phones, laptops, computers, heck even VR has been solved, AR not really, and AI of course not yet, but everything else, sure.

We've solved rockets too. Elon Musks' SpaceX is kinda a failure compared to 1960s NASA. My opinion of Elon Musk in general is that he is a moron who deserves catastrophic failure. There's a video called "Debunking Elon Musk pt1" and it goes over his life. It's strange how Elon Musk pretends he grew up poor when his parents were actually filthy rich from African mines. When he was in college, apparently his parents just bought an entire building for him as a dorm. Then he made a crappy startup that went nowhere but lucked out by being bought out in the early 2000s for millions.

I could go on and on about his life, but in general he basically failed his way upwards. It's catastrophic how many lies and deceptions he has used over the years, it's unbelievable how anybody likes him. He's such a con. I think he deserves the worst failure, deserves to be put in prison for life for all the lies to be honest.

12:16 AM (of Tuesday, August 15th 2023)

Anyway back to today. I woke up really early around 6 AM, and then I worked right away. There was a power outage on Friday so I didn't have any electricity for basically the entire day. That happens pretty frequently here. Sometimes you are driving and you just find several intersections that don't have any working stop lights. In those situations you are supposed to treat them as a 4 way stop, but people just drive on through not taking turns like that. You have to force your way through if you want to be able to get across.

So because of that power outage, I couldn't submit some work that I told my clients was going to be done that day. So I worked on that all day today, and I still didn't finish, but I finished a good amount. I will have to complete and submit what I can tomorrow, I don't want the client to wait any further.

I messaged Emma if she wanted to play today, but she couldn't, so I walked outside at night instead, for around 30-40 minutes. That felt so good and so freeing. I need to do that much more often, it makes me feel alive.

I listened to music while walking outside and I just had so many thoughts going through my head. I'm still really in love with Wahl and I still like her so much, she is my dream girl, in my opinion the most beautiful woman on the planet. I wish she would give me a second date.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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