Aug. 17, 2023

Electricity went out for most of the day, Food, Codewars, Typing speed

11:55 PM

I actually liked today. The electricity went out at around 9 AM and didn't come back until around 4 PM, so I didn't have electricity for a good amount of the day. I stayed at home during most of that. I couldn't work or do much because I didn't have Internet, it was hot at home because I couldn't use the fans, and it was hot outside too. I went out intending to go to Best Buy and the mall, and honesty that would have been the better decision, but instead I went to Marshall's instead and I bought so much food, all vegan of course. I mean it's insane, I ate so much food today and I regret that because I wanted to fast today.

For some reason the Marshall's here in Puerto Rico has a big food section that takes up like 6 aisles, with 12 racks of food on either side, or something like that. I've been to some Marshall's in the States and it does not have this. In the States they had one rack basically with food, and that was it. Here it's like a mini organic processed food grocery store basically. It has hip food brands not sold in standard grocery stores, not sold at Wal-Mart either. They're these upcoming brands being sold here, and so many options, maybe most, are vegan. They have vegan directly on the packaging and there's a lot of plant based products in general. I like shopping here for the hip and cool new and different foods.

I bought these organic dried white mulberries, these puffed kelp chips, dried kiwis, lentil chips, roasted fava beans, onion chips, jelly belly sparkling water, this vegan jackfruit meat, and this no beef broth. These are hip foods and they have so many more that I didn't buy. They also have some dried orange rind chips, organic popcorn, vegan protein powders, mushroom chips, lots of different dried vegetable powder like moringa powder, and so on. There's such a wide selection there and I couldn't help myself but buy so many today.

I actually ate most of this food today too. Between the boredom of not having electricity and just sitting at home, I couldn't help myself, I committed an action I regret. I probably ate 4000 calories today or around that. I don't know if it matters, I have been eating like this for months and I haven't gain a single pound. I've basically cycled up and down between a 2-3 pound range this whole time. It's kind of insane, I would suspect that I would weigh like 500 pounds by now eating this much every day.

I'm talking about like $50 worth of processed organic foods that I just ate all in one day today basically. I didn't just buy 1 pack of organic soft dried white mulberries, I bought 3 of them. And I've eaten two so far, I am on my last bag and it's halfway done. The bag of dried kiwis by itself is 900 calories, and I've eaten almost the entire bag, there's some pieces left. I ate the lentil chips, all the puffed kelp chips, I drank like 5-6 cans of sparkling water, I ate the whole bag of roasted fava beans. This was a lot of food. I hate myself for eating this much.

So I emailed my clients today too that my electricity was down again. They said alright and they understood. They're so friendly. I was in a call with them again yesterday (Wednesday) and we always have very educational moments. I always talk about a wide range of topics from literally everything, in our calls, and I'm sure they enjoy it.

My electricity came back at around 4 PM and weirdly at the same time, Emma texted me. We'd get on at around 6 PM to play again, but she was too tired to play again. So she just watched me stream and play Fortnite. I didn't write yesterday's entry, but yesterday all I did was basically work the whole day, and stream on a call with Emma. It was a good day yesterday.

Today we played Fortnite and I won some games, lost some games. Isn't it weird that I won my first 3 ever Fortnite games? And I won my second ever solo game? I think that's legendary. I got into the rank 3000s out of millions of players in the game Mobile Legends, after 3 days of playing. I have screenshots too, I had an 80-90% win rate, and I had like 16 kills 0 deaths in my first game, and 30 kills 0 deaths in my last ever Mobile Legends game, after just three days total of playing. I also got first place in several games, including first place in the world, out of everyone in the world, for a few hours in the game Granage. I also beat the game Idle Theme Park Tycoon and maxed out everything, bought the last ride or whatever (I used like a $50 game purchase to 1000x my income in the game or whatever to win it, and I recorded it), but I don't know if I ever wrote about it or posted the video anywhere. That last ride to buy is impossible to get without the cash shop purchase, because it requires like 1 billion aqua bucks or something, and you'd only get like 100 per hour or something.

Anyway I find it weird that I excelled in these games so easily. I'm not even trying I think, I'm just doing actions that are obvious to me, and for some reason these decisions and actions were apparently the correct ones, even though they seem so obvious, and get me first place or a win or a high ranking.

So I showed Emma this game called Codewars. It's been years since I last played it, but it's this programming game where you solve these challenges using programming. I used to know this language called Elixir, and I solved a lot of these programming challenges using it, but when I looked at my old code, I didn't understand it at all. I had no idea what was going on.

But yeah Emma complimented me the whole time. I don't like it. I'd rather be called hard working or studious because I've read that results in better results in a person's improvement rather than being called smart. She keeps calling me smart, like every few seconds. I told her I didn't remember how to solve these problems, but I tried. I explained my thinking and what was going through my head as I was doing them, and she would go "wow you're so smart" and "OMG that's so smart" like every few seconds. She also tells me things like "that's so hot" because she's turned on by me explaining things.

I miss this website. I used to be in the top 1000s ranking players, now I'm in the 2000s because I haven't played in years. Literally 4 years since I last signed onto the site and did any problems. In that time only like 1000 people or so surpassed me, that's crazy. I also don't remember Elixir anymore. Here's one line of code that I wrote in Elixir, I do know what it does, but I don't understand it anymore.

length(Regex.scan(~r{sand|water|fish|sun}i, beach))

I wrote this too, years ago, but I don't get it now. What does the ~r mean? What's the i mean? It's kinda scary how you can understand something so well, and then a few years of being off on it, forget it completely. Like I have completely forgotten this. I do understand what it does actually, but it's still quite complex when this was so easy before.

Here's another one that I wrote:

Stream.iterate(p0, &(Kernel.trunc(&1 + (&1 * (percent/100)) + aug)))

|> Enum.find_index(&(&1 >= p))

Yeah this one is confusing to me. And yet I'm the one that wrote it to solve a problem on the site. I didn't look up anyone else's answers either because this is the only solution I submitted for the problem. If I submitted two, then one of them was likely one I got hints from from another user, because you get to see other user's answers after solving it the first time. When attempting to solve it for the first time though, you don't get to see anyone else's answers, so I wrote this without any context of anyone else's answers. And you know what? I don't get it. I don't even know what it does.

Oh wait, actually I submitted three different solutions, so likely two of them have the influence of other people. Anyway, I like Elixir because it's hard to understand. Security by obscurity. The worst part about Elixir though is that after a few years, you might look at your code that you typed in and not understand it anymore. It's a double edged sword.

I need to start doing these problems again, they're fun to do. Maybe I might look into Elixir again, but probably not.

Anyway I also showed off my typing speed to Emma. At my peak in 2014, I was able to type at over 190 words per minute. I can probably do over 150 words per minute today. I showed this off to Emma when I typed in "Conway's Game of Life" nearly instantly and she actually said something like "WAIT WHAT WAS THAT? DID YOU REALLY JUST TYPE ALL THAT OUT INSTANTLY OR DID MY SCREEN FREEZE FOR A BIT?" and then I typed it again for her, just as fast.

This happened when I was in 7th grade too. Some event at the Library, I think the Librarian was like, any student want to type in something to search for? Or maybe I didn't even volunteer. But somehow I was brought up to the head of the library presentation, in front of like 20-30 students, and I typed in the word "Halloween" in the search bar. Of course I typed it as fast as I could, which is basically instant. I can type the word "Halloween" instantly, like less than a second. I am actually able to type in more than one keyboard layout, I can type perfectly in both qwerty which is the standard and the one I typed 190+ WPM on, and Dvorak, which is a bit more obscure, and I can't type as fast with it, but I feel like it's better for long term typing because there's an almost perfect balance between using the left and right hand.

Yeah Qwerty is not the only keyboard layout. I learned Dvorak back in 2017 when I was bored and just decided to learn it. I mean all keyboards are Qwerty by standard, and it takes effort to learn a new keyboard layout when your keyboard doesn't look anything like Dvorak, but I got used to it really quickly. I mean I went from like being able to type 1 word a minute to like whatever speed I'm at now. Let me check. Wow. Interesting. I'm able to type at over 130 WPM in Dvorak. That's pretty crazy, because I feel like I'm typing really slow here, and it is a lot harder too.

In those typing instruction tutorials. Oh yeah. I remember in 9th grade, I took this IT class, the class I think was literally called IT or Information Technology. That was my funnest class. I can't believe all that took place in one year, but wow so many things happened in that class as a freshman. First they had these typing instruction games. I would score over 120 words per minute on these typing tutorials, and I think the class average was like 50 words per minute or something. The second fastest person in the class was like 70 words per minute. Even the teacher herself had like 60 words per minute. So I was already pretty exceptional at that age.

Also in freshman year, when I was 15, that was when I bought my first official ".com" domain. I had a ".tk" website from 3rd grade I think, or maybe 4th grade, or 5th grade. Back then the only "free" full TLD (top level domain, which are the website endings like ".com" and ".net" and ".org") was ".tk" and I had that as a kid. If you go to and search for "" that was my website from 2003. It looks like the earliest snapshot of it was June 2004. Can you believe that this web archiver archived a 3rd or 4th grader's website? I think I was in either 3rd or 4th grade, probably 3rd nearly the end of the school year. And I made the website months prior to that.

So anyway, when I was 15 that was when I got my first official ".com" website, although I have had a website since 3rd grade. I would then grow this website to over 1 million visitors per month. Insane. It was in 10th grade that I published this one story and it became viral as hell. By the time I was in 12th grade the website was getting a million visitors per month basically, mainly due to that one page, but also the others. I remember coming home from school and just working on the website. I'd sit on my crappy computer with a crappy monitor and be depressed that this is all I had to do. This is when I was in high school. I can't believe I did these things as a kid. Isn't that unbelievable and impressive? I'm impressed by these feats.

And the thing is, everyone else around me had these same opportunities too, or even had more of it. I mean I was literally with really broke parents and we lived in the poorest areas, and we came from a third world country, and all I had was this crappy computer. Yet in 6th grade or maybe 7th grade in 2006, I made a viral YouTube video that got over 100k views in like a week, and it has like 160k views now (due to its popularity dying after a year). That was when YouTube first came out, there were no tutorials or guides on how to make YouTube videos or upload them. Nothing like that at all. I literally had to figure this stuff out myself as a kid. Can you believe that I did this? And the videos were quality too.

Insane right? It's like me getting the rank 3000s in Mobile Legends after just a few days of playing. Literally 3 days of playing, out of millions of players. Literally millions of players. In Codewars after not playing for 4 years I'm still in the rank 2000s. I don't even know how or why I do these things or how I accomplish or achieve these things. I can't explain it myself.

Also I bought my first brand new car when I was 21, paid it off when I was 23 or so. I purchased and fully paid off my first home when I was 27 too. I live in a fully paid off home today, and I accomplished this at 27. I'm turning 30 in a month. People have it as a life goal basically to pay off their home like this, and they take 30 years or so to do it when getting a mortgage. I did it before turning 30. How the hell did I do this? How did I accomplish all these things? I'm just reflecting on my past accomplishments and I am honestly shocked because I don't know myself how I got into the situation I am in. Is it luck, fortune, skill?

How did I make websites in 3rd grade that are archived by "" so these are viewable online forever? Seriously just go to "" and type in "" there are records from 2004, but I made that website and/or other websites prior to that, back when it was early Internet era in 2003. And I did this as a kid when I was 9 years old in 3rd grade. I literally had no bank account, no money, I literally didn't speak English that well, it's my second language, we had the worst computer ever, I still remember the specs. My parents didn't teach me how to make websites. None of my elementary school classmates knew anything about how to make any websites. Yet I made a website "" which anyone back then could type in a browser and visit. I learned everything by myself.

How did I make viral YouTube videos in elementary / middle school back in 2006 when YouTube was literally brand new. It was literally brand new, it just came out in 2005, and barely anyone knew about it. I was a kid, like 12 or 13 years old, and no one told me how to edit videos. No one showed me how to upload videos, how to write video descriptions, nothing. Even as a senior in high school, I was so shocked when I had classmates that had no idea how to edit videos and they bragged about having "expert friends" that knew about how to do it. I learned how to edit videos on my own, with no help from absolutely anyone, because there were no resources at the time. This is before YouTube was a thing.

Yeah and my third ever video got over 100k views. They made me an admin of the WoW server. People were so impressed with it that they probably thought I was some adult or something making this. Nope, I was just some kid. I would continue this video thing in high school too, getting 2-3 million views in total even today. I have several videos with over 50k views, like 20 of them or something, and basically all these were made in high school. That's so fascinating. And then I had a website with over a million visitors per month to top it all off? What?

And the thing is. I am freaking terrified and lonely. I need a partner to share my life with and live my life with. Someone to help me manage everything. No one can even tell I accomplished anything just by looking at me. Do you think I put any of these things in my resume? Nope, no one cares. Are they even exceptional accomplishments? I think they are.

I still often consider myself a failure though. I don't have a girlfriend, and I am overweight, and I can't control my appetite. I know I should exercise every day but I don't. I am not as wealthy or as skilled as some other people. I don't have that many followers, only 1013 on Twitter, around 2000-3000 subscribers on YouTube, around 2000 on Facebook, on Habitica I used to run guilds that had nearly 10,000 members, but that's closed off now.

I've lost all my clout on those websites now by the way. Sure they had over a million visitors per month at one point, and then a few years later barely any. Like most things, fame and relevance fades with time. At one point we could be like the president of the United States, where we get attention for every action we take, and then once we stop being a president, fade into irrelevancy and nearly forgotten a decade later. We could be a star actor, with the spotlight on us as the film is showing, and forgotten a few years later when we're no longer acting. The same thing happens with websites and YouTube channels and everything else when they don't continue their trend.

There were really good and big websites around at the time too, like Stumbleupon. That used to be my favorite website back in 9th grade. I'd find the craziest inspirations. I wonder what happened to it? Oh, they call it Mix now. Why? Way to kill a good brand like Stumpleupon. The world is insane. People make irrational decisions like torturing and killing animals for meat when we don't even need to eat meat, like overeating food (me), or rebranding Twitter to X. I wish we could wise up about things.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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