Aug. 18, 2023

Picked up dad from the airport, went window shopping and shopping

2:12 AM (of Saturday, August 19th 2023)

Today is Friday, August 18th 2023 and it was an alright day today. I slept really late, like at 4 or 5 AM, I don't even know because I didn't even check the time anywhere close to when I fell asleep. For all I know, it could've been 6 or 7 AM when I fell asleep. The sun was starting to come out already, that's for sure, because I could start to see a faint orange light coming in through the window.

Anyway after barely getting any sleep, I woke up at around 9:30 AM. I cleaned up a bit, preparing for my dad's arrival, and then I just browsed the Internet for a few hours until it was time to pick up my dad. He texted me way later than he arrived I think, so I left home pretty late, and he was probably waiting at the stop for far longer than he should have.

So I pick him up, there was a bit of traffic so it took a bit longer to drive to the airport. He greets me and it's been a few months since we last talked, tells me he's been working out every day and walking. That's awesome.

After that we arrive at home, and he cleans up the place and starts cooking up some food, all vegan of course since he doesn't eat animals either. Oh yeah my dad is basically here to help me maintain and help clean up my home and my tiny condo backyard, help me look for and assemble furniture, and do some repairs and other things basically. I do clean up home by myself, but I don't like doing the backyard so it's overgrown right now. I also hate shopping for furniture alone, because the furniture can be big and heavy, and hard to assemble. I don't know. I suck. Also my dad wants to help me with these things.

At home I basically eat and watch some shows and that's basically it. After that at around 4 or 5 PM we go over to Best Buy and just do some window shopping. Everything is so expensive now. I can't believe there are keyboards selling for over $220. We basically go around the whole store and check out and look at everything. It was fun. The next plan was to go to the mall, and wait out the rush hour traffic, but we decided to just go to Costco instead after looking at the highway from the Best Buy and seeing that it was moving along smoothly.

At Costco I make my biggest purchase ever. Over $300. I bought an office chair and a bunch of food, some light bulbs, a flashlight, a bunch of drinks, some toiletries, probably some other things I'm forgetting, and that was it. Hell yeah. I bought this much because my dad is here and he'll help me carry all this stuff back to my condo and assemble the office chair and put all the stuff in places where they belong. Normally I'm just alone and it sucks having to walk all this stuff back home. I hate being alone.

At home I just browse Twitter, try out all the different foods we bought, and then go to sleep. I'd wake up a few hours later and then write this entry. Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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