Aug. 24, 2023

Got Some Work Done, Went to Wal-Mart

6:12 AM (of Friday, August 26th 2023)

Today is Thursday, August 25th 2023. Over the weekend on Saturday the 19th and Sunday the 20th of August, which was last week, my dad and I basically renovated my home office. We went to stores like Best Buy to do some window shopping, didn't buy anything there, and Costco and Ikea to buy some furniture.

We bought three standing desks at Costco which were $299 each, they're these fancy metal tables that have a tempered glass at the top, looking all fancy and cool. We actually saw these standing desks at Costco, and then went to Office Max (equivalent of Office Depot) after thinking the standing desk options at Office Max would be better, there were more options but they were really expensive at Office Max, like $500 minimum or something. I also misremembered the prices of the Costco thinking they were $199 each, so we went back to Costco to buy them.

At Costco the standing desks turned out to be $299 each, but that was still cheaper than the options at Office Depot, so we ended up just getting these desks at Costco. I think they weigh like 100 pounds each. They're really freaking heavy. My dad set them up and I helped out a little bit. They were really easy to set up.

After that there was still some room in my office in the corners, so we went out to Ikea to buy these book shelves on Sunday. These ones took longer to set up, they took my dad most of the day on Sunday or Monday to set them up. They were 80 pounds each and you basically needed two people to set it up. It would have been doable with just one person doing it, but there were definitely parts where you needed it to be stable, so maybe you could use a wall to prop it up, or have someone hold it. It would have been hard to use a wall if there were no space in a room.

Anyway so as a result of these things, I have one of the coolest offices around now in my opinion. I'm just missing some monitors and some speakers, and then it would be complete.

The rest of the week I just did work and took naps, and hung out with Emma at night. We didn't do much except talk a lot. I showed off some of the stuff I made in like elementary school and middle school, and some videos I made while in high school.

The week went by really fast. I can barely recall it to be honest. The only days that took longer to pass was Monday, and that was because my dad and I were setting up the book shelves and I think we also went out to Costco to buy some food. I really desperately want to fast, but I haven't done it yet, so I bought a bunch of zero / low calorie drinks with him before he left. tI could subsist on these if I fasted. That was the plan, but I haven't started or done that yet.

My computer office looks really cool now. I think it's just missing two white monitors, speakers, and maybe a boom arm for a microphone, some lights in case I ever do streamng or video recording in front of my computer.

Today, Thursday, I don't recall doing much. Again it was mainly just working and taking naps. I did do some exercises today, some pull ups, some push ups, some chin ups, some walking. But other than that, not much.

Anyway, that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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Posted On Sep 05, 2023

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