Aug. 28, 2023

Got drunk for the third time in my life on Saturday

12:04 AM (of Tuesday, August 29th 2023)

Today is Monday, August 28th 2023. On Saturday, a few days ago, I got drunk. It was something Emma and I have been planning for a while, since like the past week. She just randomly invited me and said "you want to get fucked up this weekend?" and I was like, hesitant at first, but I said sure. The last time I got drunk was in 2016. The last time I drank any alcohol was in 2021. So it's been years since I drank enough to where I got drunk.

But anyway, on Thursday night I bought two wines. They were the sangria type of wine, I don't really even know any of the wine types or anything, but I think sangria is made from a mix of fruits or something. I don't know. But yeah that's what I drank. Saturday was mainly just a normal day. I don't even remember what I did prior to drinking.

It was at 5 PM on Saturday that Emma and I got on Discord, and then we played some Fortnite. While playing we just talked about random things the whole time and I would take a sip or a "swig" as we call it, every now and then. Eventually I finished my first bottle, which was 7% alcohol or so, and it tasted good. A few minutes after finishing my first wine bottle, I was so drunk that I couldn't walk a straight line anymore. It was such a weird feeling.

I started drinking the next bottle which was 14% alcohol, and that tasted terrible. I just took sips every now and then, having a hard time to drink it to be honest. I talked the whole time too, or we talked the whole time, about weird stuff, lewd stuff. Hell yeah that was loads of fun. I started saying hell yeah a lot because she does. I tend to absorb some people's way of speaking the more I listed to them. Not just their way of speaking, their way of thinking too. The more you talk to someone or listen to them, the more you listen to them explain things to you and why they do things, and why they think a certain way, and a bit of that rubs off on me whomever I speak to.

2:13 AM (of Tuesday, August 29th 2023)

The Internet and then my electricity went down for a bit, at around 12:20 AM, so I was interrupted.

Anyway that's what I did on Sunday. I also drank a bit of water so that I wouldn't have a hangover the next day.

On Sunday I didn't have a hangover, but I did feel pretty bad. Like weak and groggy. I was starving too. So I ordered some vegan sushi and picked that up. I enjoyed it. It was so freaking good. I played with Emma again later that night and chat with her again.

Monday, today, was basically a work day. I cleaned up my home, bought some groceries, picked up a package at the USPS place. I did some work at home too. Later at night, played some games and hung out with Emma again. We won a Battle Royale game in Fortnite today.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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