Aug. 31, 2023

Last Day of August, Very Productive Day

11:53 PM

Today was a really good day. I can't say I was dissatisfied with it. Last night I fell asleep really disappointed and I cleaned up my home, ready for the next day. When I woke up the next day (today), I woke up continuing that feeling from the night before. I felt disappointed, angsty, ready to get some work done. So I got to work, I just worked on stuff from the moment I woke up.

I worked on my tasks at work, which I mean I can do whatever as long as I get the job done. I had to write some SQL scripts and that was challenging. That's my weakest point in development I think, writing SQL queries, especially when it's joining multiple tables and stuff like that to get a certain set of data. I was frustrated throughout the day to be honest. I mean I knew what I was doing, but I was lost and confused every now and then. Many times I wanted to email this one guy who's an SQL expert to ask for help, and several times I almost did, but then I'd figure it out myself. This happened a bunch of times.

I'd take breaks during those times of frustration and come back having figured it out. And it was very frustrating at times. At around 5 PM I deployed what I had to the client's servers and tested them, everything looked good. So I sent it off for them to review. Tomorrow I have more work to do, but I think I can figure them out relatively quickly, especially compared to the tasks today.

After work, I hung out with Emma again for a few hours. We watched movies, played games like Chess, Gomoku, Backgammon, Mills, and Connect Four. We learned a few of those games together like Backgammon and Chess. We played on this really old website called FlyOrDie and it's this website with a bunch of games on it. I used to use this site a lot back in high school, like in 2010, and it's still around today with all the same games and all the same features. It's not been updated at all, but everything still works as well as it did back then. Isn't that awesome? It has this feature where you can just play with other players. Like that's kinda hard to set up, and there's even chat, and guest mode, for all these different games. I think that's pretty cool it's lasted such a long time.

The game Backgammon is interesting. It's so random. The rules are so random. Basically you roll dice and move pieces circling around the board until you reach the end, and then you can dispose of your pieces. Whoever has no pieces remaining at the end wins. It's basically an early game of Snakes and Ladders. Apparently, I just looked it up, Snakes and Ladders was a game invented in India since like maybe before common era, or maybe after it in the 1200s, no one's quite sure, but it's been around for a while. And the original game was about morality and lessons, reincarnation and karma. Every tile was labeled as like a step in life, and good deeds bring you up, while bad deeds cause you to reincarnate into a lower life form. It was a cooler game in the ancient version.

Anyway, backgammon. It's an extremely random game. We didn't find it fun. The rules were sort of complicated, sort of. When you hear them for the first time they are, but once you play the game once or twice, the rules are easier to understand. The way the board is set up seems kind of random for example.Also how one side has to go clockwise and the other side counterclockwise. Also I think both players sit on the same side? Apparently there is some skill involved, as there's a world championship in Backgammon. But you have to roll a dice, so isn't that based more on luck? But it also seems like there are players who are undefeated at tournaments. So they just got lucky the whole time or are they just really good?

We watched some random movies and stuff too. Emma asked me about my past relationship from two years ago with Aloe. I told her I wanted to talk about it some other time, and she got upset and was like "fine I'm never telling you about personal stuff again" and then I was like okay fine, and then I told her. I think I've deleted or made private all my entries with Aloe already, but yeah she's my past relationship. It was a messy one.

After that I went to Wal-Mart and bought some chips. I am supposed to be fasting, and I did fast for most of the day today. However, after like 5 or 6 PM, maybe even 7 PM, that's when I ate some Huel. I got hungry. But it's the last day of August. I figured today will be the last day that I eat for a while. I won't eat in the first few days of September, hopefully making it to like day 15 or 16 or something without eating. My birthday is on the 17th and I'm turning 30. No more take backsies at this point.

This is the point of no return month. I can't turn back time and do anything different now. I'm turning 30 and there's nothing I can do about it. There's nothing anyone anywhere can do about it.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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