Sept. 2, 2023

Renewed Habitica Challenges, Got new Mic and Keyboard, Played Minecraft for the First Time

12:41 AM (of Sunday, September 3rd 2023)

Today is Saturday, September 2nd 2023 and it was a good day today. Yesterday (Friday) I mainly just worked again. After work, I watched a movie with Emma and she fell asleep shortly after. I played some Fortnite too. Overall a pretty boring day. I did go to the post office to try and pick up a keyboard I had ordered and arrived but that they didn't leave at my door. The online tracker said it was available for pickup, but when I went there, they said that one day after they attempt the delivery and when the tracker says that message, that it would try and go out for delivery again the next day. That's what happened yesterday.

I checked my mailbox the next day (Today, Saturday), and found a slip that said they attempted delivery at around 3 PM but couldn't fit it in the mailbox. Sometime they drop the package off right at my door, other times I have to pick it up from the post office. I think it depends on who the delivery person is. Anyway I went to the post office again this morning and it was there. One box for the microphone and microphone stand I had ordered, the other box for the gaming keyboard. I opened these items up and would send pictures to Emma of them. They were such cool toys.

The keyboard was the coolest and highest quality keyboard I've ever used. It had these street fighter characters on them and the entire keyboard was colored. It's this keyboard made by this company called Higround. The keyboards would usually sell for like $200+ used, but I sent this guy on eBay a best offer of $170 or something, and he accepted it. Weird! I didn't think he would accept such a huge discount on it. So anyway, I have this super cool keyboard now, but I haven't used it much yet. I used it to play some Fortnite games and I would play Minecraft with it later, but yeah, haven't had much use yet.

1:27 PM (of Monday, September 4th 2023)

Anyway I signed up for Minecraft tonight and also bought Minecraft realms so that Emma and I could play it online together. It's a cool and fun game I think. They added this recipe book so that you didn't have to look up online or anywhere how to make so-and-so items. Back in the day you had to memorize these and place certain items in certain spots on this box to craft other items.

It's a fun game to relax to. We basically spawned in this one area and we found the largest coral reef ever. I think it's the largest coral reef. Our seed is 124199509171993 and I searched online for the largest coral reef found in Minecraft, and ours was bigger. So yeah I think our reef is the biggest. It spans such a wide area and we decided to make our home right in front of it.

It's a cool game. I'm pretty grateful to be playing with someone.

Written by JustMegawatt

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