Sept. 3, 2023

Exercised and played Minecraft again

3:44 AM (of Wednesday, September 6th 2023)

Today is Sunday, September 3rd 2023. Today was just another day but I I would say it was more productive than not. I took some steps to becoming more productive and better today. Today I did some weigh lifting curls, like 3 sets of 20. I think it was like 25 pound dumbbells or something. Let me check, it's literally just in the other room.

Oh, it's actually 35 pounds each. I have 32 pounds on two of the dumbbells, and I did 20 curls, 10 with each arm, for 3 reps today. Dang that's actually pretty heavy. I actually rarely do arm curls, I do a lot more pull ups and chin ups but I rarely do those too, just like 5 a day of each. There was some other exercise I did other than just the curls though, what were they? Oh yeah, that side arm up and down motion, I don't know what it's called, but I did 10 reps of those for 3 sets too, with like a 10 pound weight or something. Let me check again. 13 pounds each I think.

I'm calculating the dumbbell itself to be 3 pounds here, without any weights on it. I have 4x 5 pound weights + 2x 6 pound weights on two of the dumbbells, so that's 32 pounds minimum. Then on the other pair of dumbbells I have 4x 2.5 pound weights, so at least 10 pounds minimum. I'm just adding 3 pounds extra because I think it's reasonable for the dumbbell to weigh 3 pounds. I mean if it's able to carry 32 pounds without flexing at all, I think it's probably 3 pounds. But even if I am wrong and the dumbbell only weighs 2 pounds, it's only a 1 pound difference. I can't imagine it to weigh 1 pound, that's way too light.

What else? I also went to the park today. I drove like 10 miles or whatever to go to this long walk park because the one closer to me is closed on Sundays and holidays. They have these gates that you have to go through to enter the parks, which are just for walking and running anyway, but for some reason they're closed on some days. The other park is always open after 5 AM and closes at 9 PM, even on holidays and weekends. There is a guard or someone that always stands by and watches you entering the gates in the further away long park, but not in the one close to me.

It kinda seems like these places aren't maintained by anyone, but writing about how there's these gates you have to enter, and how there's always someone stationed at one of them, and how the other is closed on certain days, makes me realize there's people that watch over these places, even if you don't see them.

On weekdays after like 11 AM, the park closest to me is always deserted until like 5 PM. I know because I've been tehre on weekdays during working hours and there's absolutely no one there. I don't know if those are the best times to walk though, I still think the morning is the best time to walk, even though at 6 AM the park is always crowded. It's so packed at 6 AM, there is almost no room to park. After peak hours though, it becomes deserted. But it also becomes incredibly hard to walk in because of the sun. and the heat. I usually walk with an umbrella.

Today when I went to the park that's like a 10 mile drive away, I didn't bring an umbrella with me as I walked. That turned out to not be a great idea, because it ended up raining when I was like 30 minutes into my walk, so I had to turn around and walk back, cutting my walk short. It didn't rain much initially, but the drizzle eventually turned into much heavier rain, so I decided to turn around. No one else I encountered walk with an umbrella either, so we all got soaked.

I mean yeah that was my exercise for the day, barely anything. I walked for an hour and did some curls. I didn't do any pull ups or chin ups or push ups. I figured that the curls was sufficient. I think its' better than nothing. I probably also only ate around 2000 calories today which is a big improvement to the 3000-4000 I would normally eat. It's actually because my weight did shoot up dramatically recently, so I know I need to cut back. It's been steadily coming off again. I love that.

Later at night I played some more Minecraft with Emma. We went around exploring and I think visited cool new places and biomes today. It's a resource gathering game. So you have to go out and explore places and harvest resources from them. It's a whole new thing to learn. I think ti's fun even if it's not very productive to play. We started building a house together too.3

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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