Sept. 22, 2023

Being productive again

2:47 AM

My sleep schedule has been messed up for like a month now. I'm wide awake at almost 3 AM, feeling a little tired, but mostly okay. I don't know what I've been doing the past 2 years, but I've not made much progress in my life at all. Since this exact date in 2021, I've probably lost 30-40 pounds, I've moved a lot of furniture over from my old place I was renting to this new place I bought. I finished setting up that furniture, I've fasted for two weeks twice, I've had several friends visit, I've been out on a lot of dates, traveled to like 8 countries I think, visited and met a bunch of people, I was the CTO of a company for a short time, I did some app development, I gained over 1100 followers on Twitter, probably gained like 1000 friends on Facebook, I got a new phone.

Oh yeah, the phone is a significant bit. I've been using Android prior to 2021 for the past like 5 years, and my phone would basically break every year and I'd have to get a new one. The worst phone that broke on me is a Google Pixel, which just stopped turning on for some reason. Yeah, it just died one day, and would never turn on again. All my data, photos, etc, on that phone; gone. In September 2021, I think it was September 22. Let me check. The first photo on my phone is from September 24th 2021, so it's reasonable to think that's when I got my phone.

Yeah I've met several people since then. Traveled a lot. I visited a lot of waterfalls and been to a lot of hikes. I've received tens of thousands of likes and millions of views on my posts throughout social media. I went from being able to do 0 pull ups and 0 chin ups, to 10 chin ups in a row, and 8 pull ups in a row, at 180 pounds. Just the past month or so, I played Fortnite and Minecraft for the first time. I've probably walked so many miles too. This is just in two years.

Yeah, so thinking back, I guess I did change a bit in two years time. I did have some accomplishments in those two years. I even went on a date with my dream girl, Wahl. We went out on a dream date, but we didn't kiss. I think that was one major mistake out of many other mistakes that day. She didn't want to continue things with me because she said she didn't feel anything romantically between us. I think she's like the first person I went out on a date with that ended up not liking me enough to go on a second date. Just thinking back on all my past dates, I think they all had interest in meeting up a second time, some were even obsessed with me.

In many other ways though I made absolutely no progress. In the beginning I was walking basically every day, and then I stopped that. I guess that's something I can start again, but yeah, stopping that ruined so much of me. I don't think I completed many or any college courses since then. Come on, I just have to do like another 10 or so classes and then I have my bachelor's degree, but I wasted these past two years not doing that. I probably completed 2-4 courses in that time period, when I could have completed all of my courses within like a year.

I would say that I made practically no progress at all in my career, finances, any of my projects. I basically just sat around doing nothing when I look at this area of my life. When I think about these things, I hate myself. I hate the message that Emma tells me that I am enough and that I don't need to do more. It's an idea that tells me to just be complacent, and I hate that. In many ways I made some steps forward, but in many other ways I made no progress at all, or took steps back. I don't want to get too into detail, but I haven't updated my company's website in years. Why not? I suck.

It is so easy for me to just walk for like an hour a day, or even 30 minutes a day, and I still can't even do that. It's so easy for me to do at least 5 pull ups and at least 5 chin ups a day, and maybe even 10 push ups a day. Like that would be pretty sufficient exercise. It also wouldn't be too hard for me to track my calories and take in only like 1500 a day of calories or something, and yet I still have a tough time doing that. It's so annoying.

So I'm changing all of that starting today. I literally have everything anyone could ever need to succeed in any area. It's about time I do a time log again, like I used to back in the day. A time log of everything I do that day, just so I can have a picture of my activities, and see where I can grow and improve.

The problem that it's hard to set up. I have to open up Emacs again, which I do have open right now. And then I have to relearn all of the hotkeys again to use it. There's no guides or instructions on how to use this, well actually there are some, but it's mainly a thing you just have to sit and learn to use through using it. In that way, it's like a creative task I guess. Yeah, let me set it up.

Well I say that was a hard thing to do, but I just ended up basically setting it up and having no issues it just now. I forgot how to generate the time reports using this thing though, so I have to look it up. Ugh. Yeah so I found a different way to do the time reports by pressing the hotkeys ", C R" but this isn't cool with me. Also this is the way that Spacemacs lists the hotkeys, so if you don't get it, it's basically pressing comma, then capital C, then capital R. There are like thousands of hotkeys and commands on this thing, literally thousands. So it's honestly hard to get used to and remember everything. That's just the truth of it.

Anyway, for reports, I remember it being something like C-x C-r, which is Ctrl+x and then Ctrl+r. Again this is the notation that Emacs / Spacemacs uses. Again, thousands of commands on this thing. Anyway, I guess it's a lot to deal with. I'm going to continue studying this thing and relearning everything again.

5:20 AM (of Saturday, September 23rd 2023)

Well I spent a good amount of time setting everything up again, and I pretty much understood most of it again.

This is not accurate, as I didn't time myself doing anything else after I started watching anime, but this is an approximate. Probably most of the anime is me walking around with my parents, driving places, shopping, and eating:

*File time* *20:23*

Intermediary 5:00

Sleeping 4:55

Pooping 0:05

Organization 1:47

To Do List 0:51

Planning 0:14

Journal 0:05

Finances 0:13

Timelog 0:24

Unproductive 13:36

Anime 11:28

"Ahem" 0:38

Twitter 1:30

Anyway it's my parents' last full day here for a while. We went out and ate at a restaurant, walked around for like an hour or two, went shopping at Best Buy and Costco. We watched some Avatar the Last Airbender at home.

I was somewhat more productive throughout this day than other days I think. Anyway, that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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