Sept. 26, 2023

Worked a little, played Minecraft a little

4:11 AM (of Wednesday, September 27th 2023)

Today (Tuesday), I woke up at around 8 AM after falling asleep at like 3 or 4 AM I think. I'm not even sure what time I fell asleep, but I'm pretty sure it was around that time, since that's the time I've been normally falling asleep lately.

I woke up and basically got on Twitter. My follower count was still around the same amount it has been the past few days, 1133 followers. Do I even really care about this number? I look at it pretty often whenever I'm on X, formerly Twitter. I think the Twitter to X is one of the worst rebrands ever too. Maybe I waste too much time on X? I spent like pretty much the entire day on it, other than working and watching anime.

I did work a little today too, but I was still kinda tired because I didn't get much sleep, so my attention span and energy levels were pretty low and bad. I didn't work that much. There was some issue I was having for the past week that was resolved today and that let me resume work as normal.

After that I played some Minecraft with Emma. I have to turn off my fans whenever I get into Discord chat with her because my new microphone picks up the wind gushing through. I bought like this pretty expensive microphone with the microphone holder for around $170. It's this really fancy thing, but it captures a lot more external sound than my previous headset which I threw away because parts of it were breaking off.

Yeah she's doing this no vape for a month challenge, and I am also giving up an activity as well. It's some adult activity so I don't want to go into too much detail. We're both sacrificing a vice that we have for 30 days, we're both intentionally trying to quit our vices, but yeah. I fell to my vice this morning and later at night too, so I didn't fulfill this, slowly weaning off of it though, since I'd normally fall to this vice like five times a day.

We just chat about a bunch of random stuff and went to a swamp in Minecraft looking for a slime. I mean every day it's just something new and random. Girls tend to talk a lot about everything when you get close to them. They are basically an open book when they want to be. and you have that rapport with them. Guys on the other hand, are a lot more private in comparison. We will talk about things but nothing too personal, like we won't talk about past relationships or other social things or whatever, but that's a lot of what Emma and I talk about.

Anyway, I told her that I failed my vice today, and told her she could scoop up the last of her vape goop or whatever, and she became a lot more cheerful after that. She was getting very negative and said blamed it on vape withdrawal but she realized herself she felt a lot better after being given permission to vape again. Like it was a night and day personality change. I don't want to go over what we would talk about, but sometimes it's very negative and depressing, just talking about life problems and stuff like that.

Anyway I think I wasted a lot of time today, mainly being on X. I'm not sure. I get hundreds of views, sometimes thousands, sometimes tens of thousands, per post that I make. At minimum my posts will probably have a few hundred views, if I just tweet something normally. My last 3 tweets have 607, 269, and 167 views respectively, sometimes they get thousands, sometimes tens of thousands. I tweet pretty much exclusively vegan posts. I think one of the most good we can do for the planet is to reduce suffering, and the most suffering is done to animals. Quantitatively there is no comparison, we torture and kill hundreds of millions of animals per day, and it's all needless cruelty, we don't need to eat any animals (I haven't in over a decade), but the message often falls on ignorant ears.

Anyway, I think I can still spend time on X, but severely limit it. I need to do way more productive activities such as working and working out, and studying for school. I can complement my X activities with these.

I kept playing with Emma for an hour or two, but I felt pretty tired at around 8:30 PM, so I told her that I wanted to go to sleep, and then she said I could, and I went to sleep shortly afterwards.

I still have mixed feelings about everything. I haven't responded to Lia's happy birthday message yet, haven't even listened to it yet. She sent a voice message so I didn't want to open it while my parents while around. Anyway, I feel shameful. I have such a mix of emotions. I'm not anywhere close to perfect.

Also I did some pull ups today. Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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