Sept. 27, 2023

Amazing Day

1:07 AM (of Thursday, September 28th 2023)

Today is Wednesday, September 27th 2023. I'm 30 years and 10 days old as of today. Imagine counting how many days old we are? 30 years old and 10 days. Maybe I should do that?

Anyway today was a productive day. I woke up at around 4 AM, and felt pretty bored. So I got on Codewars and just started practicing. I solved like 5-10 problems or something, all relatively easy. After a few hours of doing that though, I did feel bored. I watched some Hitman Reborn for a bit until 6 AM. Then I contemplated whether or not I should go walking for an hour outside.

I did it, I walked outside for an hour in the park, and that made my day feel so much more productive. Like, getting something like that done early in the morning, felt so good. I then did some pull ups, and chin ups, ate a little, then I was ready to start my day.

After that though, I just got on Twitter for a bit, I took some naps here and there, I did some work here and there, but my productivity fell off a cliff, until around 2 PM, then I got to work again.

I did message Lia again though, finally reading her happy birthday message that she sent me. She sang me a song. Oh my god. So awesome. She's so awesome. I should send her another random gift just for fun. Yeah, I'll do that now. Done. I purchased for her some vegan chocolates and a vegan bracelet and sent it to her. She's cool. She literally sang Happy Birthday to me via voice message. Omg. My heart.

Anyway I had a meeting at 4 PM, did some more work, and then just got on Twitter some more.

At around 7 PM, I started playing Minecraft with Emma, and doing some homework at the same time. We did a bunch of stuff like play on Survivor Mode in Realms for the first time. We just went around exploring and doing stuff, finding a place to build.

Then we also tried out Minecraft Amplified, and downloaded and installed some resource packs and data packs, and stuff like that. We downloaded some vegan texture pack so all the flesh from the animals turned into vegetables. It's really cool.

After that I completed the last of my homework assignments, which was a graded test and the written paper review. That was tiring.

I am kinda tired now, and sleepy. Overall I thought today was a good day.

Written by JustMegawatt

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