Sept. 28, 2023

remote excursion

Visiting family this weekend. I’m taking the afternoon train down on Thursday, working remotely on Friday, and then on Saturday we drive back up and possibly my parents do some cleaning. My parents are very gung-ho about this cleaning thing. They’ve been talking about it for literally months. They keep texting me: “When can we come up and clean?”

So Thursday morning, before my departure, I spent a large chunk of time cleaning the house. I’m just trying not to embarrass myself more than necessary when they come up on Saturday. It seems fine to me, but I’m sure they’ll still find dozens of things to complain about.

Packing up my laptop felt weird. I know it’s a laptop, portability is the entire point, but in fact it has not budged from this spot on my desk since I moved in. Every other trip of mine has been on a weekend or I took time off so I didn’t need to lug a laptop around. This is my first remote remote work experience. As I ducked under the desk to unplug it, our internet went down. Roommate was like what did you do??? I didn’t do anything (the modem isn’t even attached to that power strip). Comcast is doing upgrade work in our area. RIP.

The trip from home to my parents’ house takes two hours by car, but five hours by train, since I have to walk to the commuter rail station, take the train downtown, walk to the Amtrak station, and wait for like 40 minutes. But this way is more scenic. It was a one-cat afternoon, and the cat was utterly fascinated by my wheeled suitcase. Just the coolest thing that cat has seen in their life. Plus I got a walk across the river and a strawberry surf rider smoothie.

The evening at home was chill and good times. Mom made curry and told us all about recent drama at work. I told them all about my current project. Dad wanted to try out Pokemon Sleep and I helped him get set up.

Written by Achaius

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