Oct. 6, 2023

Did some exercises that left me sore

2:35 PM (of Sunday, October 8th 2023)

Today is Friday, October 6th 2023. I saw this post on Twitter that outlined this "workout circuit" that you are supposed to do 2-3 reps of. From Chef Ty:

  • 2 min jump rope with boxer shuffle
  • Pull-ups: 8-10 (slow)
  • Push-ups: 20-25
  • Barbell curls: 12-15
  • Super set hammer curls: 6-8
  • Dumbbell goblet squats: 15
  • Bulgarian split squat: 10 ea leg (slow!)
  • Jack knife crunches: 20
  • Flutter kicks: 50
  • Dead bugs: 25
  • Pike push-up: 10
  • Bear crawls: 2 laps (~100ft)
  • Wall assisted hand stand: 1 min.

Yeah I did one set of all of this, except for the wall assisted hand stand. Also I admit I was not perfect form here, I did not do 3 second negatives of each, I probably did a lot of exercises incorrectly. Still, I did them to the best of my ability.

Two days later, my arms are fine, but my thighs and butt are sore still. I feel so sore when I sit down and stand back up from the floor. I had no idea what people meant when they said they were sore after a workout, but now I do. This is how they must feel. This soreness from my butt and thighs, extend to the rest of my body slightly. Like my back might not feel as sore, but because my thighs and butt do, it sort of does feel sore too.

After this workout today though and the rest of the day today (Friday), I felt no soreness. It was only tomorrow (Saturday) and the next day (Sunday) that I felt sore. I did some work and completed some work. It's a little frustrating.

Other than that, I think I was on Twitter or X the rest of the time. I played at night with Emma again and she logged off at like 9 PM.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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