Oct. 12, 2023

Fasting Day 2

12:11 AM (of Friday, October 13th 2023)

Today is Thursday, October 13th 2023 and it was basically just another normal day today. I'm currently watching Attack on Titan again as I write this. I wonder if the voice actors or the artists or other people that worked on the anime, ever watch their work again and be like "I made this" or "I contributed that".

4:26 AM (of Friday, October 13th 2023)

I am pretty tired and sleepy now. I fasted the entire day except after 7 PM, and then I had 1200 calories of Huel. Then I continued fasting again.

I'm going to try and restrain myself from doing other harmful things. I started talking to a new friend, let's call him Ami. He's cool. The most open guy I know. He just shares his entire life and everything extremely easily and he writes in a lot of detail too.

Anyway I'm going to sleep now.

Written by JustMegawatt

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