Oct. 12, 2023

three cats and a stoat

I missed newbie’s Hokma suppression clear. He was streaming near midnight on Tuesday, and I figured he could potentially be there for hours, and I had better sign off and start preparing for bed. Then he cleared half an hour later and I MISSED IT nooo. Apparently he got green midnight. All my homies love green midnight.

Wednesday was a good day though. It was a three-cat morning: two from the multicat house, plus Ally Cat (haven’t seen them for a month+ so it was good seeing them again). The weather’s finally turned fall-like. It was in the mid-80s on the weekend I visited my parents, but later that week plummeted to 50. Mushers are rejoicing. It was a productive work day, and I tried out a new place at the food court. Their spicy honey sandwich was excellent.

I said it was a productive day, but it comes with bad news as well—turns out my project is more complex than I had hoped for. This happens every time nowadays. It’s gone from an easy layup to a complicated full-team maneuver. It’s got mechanics. But so far it looks like [redacted] stoat, which is great. All my homies love the stoat (and by that I mean my boss). Hoping to finish things up by the end of the weekend.

Written by Achaius

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