Oct. 15, 2023

Day 5 Fasting, walked outside for 5 hours

7:13 PM

I will just write about yesterday in this entry. Yesterday, Saturday October 14th, I hung out with two friends. The night before that, on Friday the 13th, I just messaged a bunch of people in my contacts asking if they wanted to hang out or whatever.

During this whole fast by the way, I've been talking to a supportive friend, I think I called him Ami. Yeah. Whenever I'm feeling some emotion like starving or bored or whatever, I would just message him. He doesn't care what time I message him, so I do that. Ami is a pretty cool guy. He has his life together and he's open and easy to talk to. I like talking to people like him because he is someone that I want to be like, and I want to be associated with.

Yesterday, Saturday, I got into an argument with Emma about Durianrider's protocol. The unlimited calories of carbs thing wasn't working, and I found a thread on Reddit about it on Friday night on why it doesn't work. In some ways, Durianrider is technically correct, such as eating carbs won't cause any fat gain, since carbs are used as energy right away and the excess is peed out, very rarely does carbohydrate turn into fat, a process called de novo lipogenesis, and it's very inefficient. Fat on the other hand, any of it consumed, is stored as fat right away. Especially when you eat "unlimited calories" of carbs, if even 1g of fat is eaten, that 1g of fat will be stored right away.

The problem is the "fat spared" problem with eating only carbs. Even if 0 fat is eaten, the body is just going to be using the 3000+ calories of carbs eaten as energy, and not burn any fat in the process. So that's why it doesn't work. It has never worked for me, and I am glad I finally was able to find out today. I think Emma held me back for months, because after my fast ended, I went straight to just eating carbs again like Durianrider advises, and eating unlimited of them, thinking there would be no weight gain. The problem is that it doesn't cause any fat burn, and if there are any fats eaten, that is immediately stored weight.

Yeah. So that's how I screwed up my post-fast the first time, was doing that, I gained weight because of that. Anyway I argued with that to Emma and she wouldn't listen. In one ear and out another. Now I've been fasting for a few days and have been losing weight.

11:58 PM

I weigh around 177 pounds now. Yesterday I was 179. The day before that was 182. The day before that was 180. Yeah I was at 180 and then I gained weight from drinking water I guess, so then it dropped down to 179, and now 177.

So yeah I am dropping weight fast (pun intended). Today I also walked outside for several hours. I was just so energetic. I just felt so good. I just felt so alive and well today that I couldn't do anything but walk. I felt pretty tireless. I would have walked for longer actually if my feet didn't hurt so much. I walked in the morning, came back home to take a break, went outside again in the afternoon, came back home to take a break, and then again at night time. My feet was extremely sore at this point, but that's basically all I did today. Just a lot of walking. I barely spent any time on social media or watching anime or anything.

Yesterday though, I met up with two other vegan activists. They have a YouTube channel here, and I was supposed to just hang out and watch them do street activism, which is talking to random people and debating them on whether it's fine to torture and kill animals or not. However, some issues happened. It's really hard to get parking here in Puerto Rico, like it is the hardest thing to find, anywhere.

So I go up to their hotel / apartment and they are supposed to let me in. To get into the apartment, you have to get pass the security. Most residential areas here have this kind of security gate, otherwise you aren't entering the area and can't park anywhere. They said they were coming down, but took a really long time. During that time period I circled around and parked somewhere else, where other people were, for like 10 minutes until police came and kicked everyone out. Then I just circled the apartment / hotel street for a while until that got tiring, then I just parked in front of some grocery store.

After like 30 minutes of waiting I got frustrated and said I would just go home. It turns out one of them got stuck in the elevator, like the elevator wouldn't budge nor would its doors open or close. That must've been terrifying. Anyway I'm at a park at this point, and when they fix it, they tell me to come back, so I did.

Then they let me into the apartment compound, and I parked. I met these two guys for the first time, and we hung out in one of their apartments. Pretty cool guys. We told stories, then went out into the city at night, and just walked around and talked the whole time. We went out to the docks, to the beach, at night. We were there for like an hour. It was awesome. Then we came back to their apartment, and chilled in their jacuzzi. That was cool too.

Yeah I had a fun time with these guys. That's what happened yesterday. We made plans to do more stuff next weekend.

Then today, Sunday, like I said I walked outside for around 5 hours today. That was extreme. I ate 400 calories of Huel when I got back home though. I burned like over 1000 calories today according to my Apple Watch, so I'm still in a heavy calorie deficit.

Also I took some selfies today and I think I look good again! I'm excited.

Written by JustMegawatt

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