Oct. 16, 2023

Got a haircut, worked, exercised, great balanced day

8:47 PM

I didn't spend much time on social media today. Probably like less than 1 hour at the most I think. I was so bored most of the day too, but social media was also boring to me. Everything on social media nowadays is about the Israeli-Palestine conflict, which has been going on for about 60+ years now. I've never commented on it once in social media, and I don't think I will here. I just like posting selfies, vegan food photos, and vegan related stuff. That's all that I use my social media for.

Today is day 6 of my fasting I think. I'm not really keeping track that well. I've eaten a little bit during my fasts too, which should definitely cancel it out. But whatever, I'm not eating more than 1000 calories at least, except for one day. And another day I ate 800 calories. The past few days I've been eating like 400 calories. I think there was only one or two days where I truly didn't eat anything. So it's not really a fast anymore, but I'm still keeping it as is, because I am still losing weight. I can't gain weight on a caloric deficit, and I'm still losing about a pound a day.

Yesterday I walked for 5 hours. Today I walked for 40 minutes, and then fatigue just hit me. That was the first time I ever hit the wall. Now I know what hitting the wall is like. It's a running term, where when someone's glycogen stores are depleted, they "hit the wall" and aren't able to continue anywhere as fast anymore. I've also seen the term apply for looks though, when a person "hits the wall" they look worse moving forward, usually applied to women. Like they post a photo of someone who looked good when they were younger, and then a photo of them currently, and in comparison they "hit the wall" so to speak.

After walking for 40 minutes today, I saw my friend... Guy. Yeah, let's call him Guy. And the other guy Eric. Guy and Eric. These were the two vegan guys I hung out with on Saturday when we visited the city and hung out at the beach at night. Anyway. I saw my friend Guy on Twitter posting shirtless body photos. He's been going to the gym for a while and has some results. I was so impressed and jealous. I started doing some workouts at home too, of course nothing too crazy since I'm fasting, but definitely more than nothing. So yeah I did some strength and cardio today.

Once I'm done with my fast, I plan on sending Wahl a message and telling her that this is what I look like now, that I worked hard on this to impress her, that I want to see her again, and to please give me another chance. I love this feeling of being in love with her. Like she's so amazing and I am so in love with her. I love that feeling. I hope she likes me back. Please. I beg the universe to please let us be together again. It's really just up to her though, she has to accept my invite. I have to look good when my fast is over so I can impress her.

Oh, and about the rest of the day. I got a haircut in the afternoon, and then I worked the rest of the time. I worked the entire time. Can you believe that? That's all I did for the remainder of the day. Then I walked, and then I did some strength training, and then I ate 400 calories of Huel, and then I took a nap. I actually should have just slept, I dreamt a little, I think Wahl was in it, but I hadn't brushed my teeth yet, so my mind wouldn't let me fall fully asleep, and just let me nap instead.

Now I'm sort of semi-awake. I want to sleep, but I can't, since I'm awake. I also want to do things like walk outside again, but I can't, since I'm tired. Also I've been getting some mosquito bites. I'm not sure if they're from inside my home, or if they're from outside as I'm walking. I've yet to see any mosquitoes in my home lately, so I think it's from outside. I need to spray some insect repellent next time I go out and walk.

I really like Wahl. I'm doing this fast for her, although I guess I'm sort of failing the fast anyway.

Sign. Please Wahl, give me another chance.

Nothing on media is entertaining anymore. I used to go on Reddit and read random posts, and it's all garbage to me now. It's all boring, it's all the same thing. It's the same with anime, and any movies. They're all so boring. They're all so the same. I'm bored as hell, but I am also in love. Being in love and having some hope, I think keeps me moving.

I'm not sure what I'm gonna do the rest of the night, since I'm bored. Seriously, all games bore me too. Help?

Anyway, that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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