Oct. 16, 2023

a singularly resolute soul

My favorite wipe: During reductive rhomboid, newbie was supposed to step in a tower but he stepped on Carbuncle instead. Apparently they were both glowing so he couldn’t tell the difference??

With Saturday’s Themis reclear, we are officially done with Themis forever. Unfortunately, my play against Athena on Sunday was disastrous. I was running off two 3 am nights—the first due to hanging out doing crosswords with team, the second due to work—and I didn’t feel sleepy or unfocused, but I kept losing the plot. Things like: forgetting to go to the opposite color from my debuff during tethers 1 (despite reminding myself every pull); forgetting what side I was on during superchain 1; forgetting whether I was straight or slanted tether during rhomboid. How is it even possible to forget which tether you are??

“You were teh sux,” said HGR. I literally got called “teh sux” in 2023. It was true though.

On the plus side, I’m more confident about limit cut, and I’m sort of getting the hang of superchain 2a (I’ve never survived the mechanic, but at least some of those deaths were not my fault, e.g. KJH dying before the buddy stack in the third circle (of hell)). We’ll get her next time?? Once I finish my current project and catch up on my sleep I’m sure I’ll be in prime form.

Written by Achaius

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