Oct. 17, 2023

teh sux, continued

Running off my fourth day of sleep deprivation, one might ask: If it was impacting my raid performance that severely, what’s it doing to my work performance?

Well, at this point, it can’t be helped. I stayed up past 4 am last night working on my project before admitting that I had no hope of finishing before dawn, and I should therefore get some sleep in preparation for a big push today.

This morning I had a pounding headache and kept forgetting about it due to low mental capacity—like, the headache was still there, but I couldn’t keep track of it and have conscious thoughts at the same time. I spent most of the morning revising last night’s work. I nominally made a bunch of progress last night, but four hours’ sleep revealed that it was garbled and underbaked, and it took a few hours to make it presentable. The inefficiency here is manifest. I always need to revise my work, but with more sleep I’d be doing more in less time. My poor underfed Snorlax. But, like I said: can’t be helped at this point. Around 1 pm I surfaced for lunch and an Advil for my headache, followed by more writing, followed by a long afternoon nap.

In retrospect, it’s kind of shocking I ever thought finishing it last night was in the cards. However, tonight it’s time for the actual real long push. We’re getting this done.

Written by Achaius

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