Oct. 19, 2023

drinking on the job

They say sleepy driving is as bad as drunk driving in terms of impairment. Now imagine completing most of an important work project while drunk.

  • 3:45 am: Project complete!! I didn’t send it in immediately because it’s gauche to be sending emails at nearly 4 am, and I always do a final proofread in the morning before sending. But it was complete.
  • 8:05 am: Woke up, saw the time, rolled over, and went back to sleep. (My standard wakeup time is 8-something, but typically not so early in the hour, and definitely not after such a late night.)


…mostly it was to discuss today’s meeting on the Augustine contract. However, she did slip in a “how’s your project coming?” to which I was able to tell her it was undergoing final revisions and I’d be sending it shortly. WHEW OOF EVERYTHING IS TOTALLY FINE

Mid-morning, I realized I had forgotten to get myself an invite to the meeting. I emailed the meeting coordinator at 10:30, and he didn’t respond for a couple hours, and I was sweatdropping (was he out for the day or something?) but it was also fine; he got it to me in plenty of time for the 1:30 start. Then it was just cleanup. Only minor changes on Augustine (Pomelo is at loggerheads with my boss, but that’s fine, she can pop off), and only minor changes on the new project. Love to see it.

All in all, a very fine and chill day, and I treated myself to honey chipotle rum BBQ steak for dinner.

Written by Achaius

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