Oct. 19, 2023

Went to a Muay Thai class

3:51 AM (of Friday, October 20th 2023)

Today is Thursday, October 19th 2023 and it was a phenomenal day today. First of all in the morning I did some exercises. I walked for about 30 minutes in the park. I would have walked for longer, but I was really sleepy, having not yet slept from the night before. Also there was a lot of traffic in the morning due to road construction, so even though the normal time would've taken me 30 minutes to drive to the park, it took like an hour instead, and that also made me go home earlier. I had to get home before 7 because traffic would've started to get worse until rush hour at around 8 and 9 AM. I didn't want to be caught up in that.

So anyway I got home and I took a nap. When I woke up, I worked until around 6 PM. I completed a decent amount of work too, basically completing this one project that I've been working on since forever, for months. I worked on a powershell script for the first time today, and you know what, it wasn't that bad. I actually didn't expect to finish the work project today, because I thought this last and final step would've taken much longer, like another week in fact. But I was able to do it in one afternoon basically. It wasn't difficult at all.

After that I went over to this MMA Gym here in Puerto Rico, and had my first martial arts lessons in years. It was a class on Muay Thai, and I got to learn the basics today. The instructor basically started off with the basics because I was a new person, and he had to talk about the basics again. The instructor has been in 200 MMA matches with like a 75% win rate. That's actually kind of insane now that I think about it. It was a hard class where we all got very physical and we fought each other, throwing punches and kicks at each other, although of course holding back a little.

There was one point in which we got to stand there and take 4 punches from another person. I followed the instructions incorrectly by the way. LOL. No one corrected me. Also everyone spoke English? I think it was because I was there.

So that was a cool event for sure. I have a sort of bruise. It was a good class. Like some parts in it we traded blows, and the other person would punch or kick for real, and it would hurt. During the part where we took 4 punches, the instructor was the one who punched me, and damn. DAMN, that hurt. He punched me in my solar plexus too, knocking the wind out of me. Damn.

So I never knew how insane MMA and boxing were. This is it. And it hurts.

Tomorrow I'm planning on doing Yoga, Beginner Kickboxing, and some more martial arts. I'm paying a decent amount per month to go there, so I will try and take full advantage of it. Hopefully my body can be toned up and improved too this way. It's not like bodybuilding, but I am becoming physically better in some ways.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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