Oct. 26, 2023

My Past Week, and Talking to Wahl Again

2:20 AM (of Friday, October 27th 2023)

Today is Thursday, October 26th 2023. Today was a good day I think. It's a change of pace. I haven't written about my past week, but over the weekend I hung out with Guy and Eric again. On Friday October 20th at night, we just walked around Isla Verde, which means "green island" in Spanish, and it's basically this area close to and including a beach. I think the literal Isla Verde is a small visible green island a short distance away from the beach, and that's why it's called Isla Verde, but when people use the name like "I'm at Isla Verde", they generally mean the beach and the city around the beach, not the actual island. So anyway, we just walked around and and talked at night, exploring some places. I've never been to this city at night time so it was cool just walking around. This was Friday, October 20th.

On Saturday, October 20th, I cooked up some food for them. We went to the grocery store and bought some vegan foods, I bought this Beyond Meat steak because Guy said it was good and to try it. I don't know why I suggested it, something in the conversation from the night before made me suggest that I cook this up and bring them a meal the next day. So that's what I did on Saturday, I cooked up this meal of yellow vegan rice, broccoli, cauliflower, mixed veggies, this Beyond Meat steak and brought it over to them, we had it and it was delicious.

Afterwards, still Saturday October 20th, we went hiking. They knew this place close by that had a 3 minute hike to a really cool area by the beach. It has a small cliff and a cave by the water. We had fun hanging out here, looking at the sights, playing with the sand, going into the cave, getting wet and pushed around by the strong waves, taking some pictures too. Then I guess we drove around a bit, I got them to try bubble tea for the first time I think, but they didn't get to experience any tapioca balls, they had whatever balls now that burst, I hate those. What happened to the tapioca balls?! They are so chewy and tasty.

Then we hung out at their place, and chilled. Idk. We went to the pool and Eric swam for a bit, I just got in the hot tub. Guy lost his keys and spent like an hour looking for them. He found them back in Eric's room. That was a fun day.

I don't remember what happened on Sunday, October 21st. I think I messaged Wahl on this day. Yeah I invited her to Puerto Rico Vegfest 2023 which will take place on November 18th 2023. Also sent her a beach picture from yesterday. I don't remember anything else that happened this day. I probably hung out with Eric and Guy again, but I don't remember.

On Monday, Wahl did respond back saying she was busy that day. I signed up for the Crunch Fitness gym which was super close to where I live. I've passed by it a few times, never considered signing up. Eric and Guy are members though, and they go there often, Wahl goes there too but to one in her area. I trialed the other gym but it's quite far, and Crunch has classes too, so I decided to sign up here. I went there around 12 PM maybe? Maybe 1 PM? Anyway I toured the place by myself first, and checked out their class schedule before signing up. After finishing up some work, I had my first class at night which was called "The Ride" and that was fun. I'm paying $10 extra a month for this "The Ride" class, so I will make full use of it. I also worked out with Eric and Guy tonight for the first time.

On Tuesday, in the morning I attended a bicycling class again, I think. I'm pretty sure it was in the morning, but maybe it was at night. I also replied to Wahl again. I had a meeting with work clients, normally we have them on Wednesday, but one of them was traveling that day so we rescheduled to Tuesday, but I forgot about this and didn't accept the calendar invite, so it wasn't on my calendar. They emailed me instead so I joined very late. Anyway that's all I remember from Tuesday.

On Wednesday I think Wahl replied again. We've been talking the whole week which is cool. I think in the morning I went out and did the bicycling class again. It's basically just HIIT bicycling on a stationary bike for 45 minutes with loud music and pacing yourself to the rhythm of the instructor, sometimes sitting and standing and switching every few seconds. I did some work today. So actually it was at night that I did "The Ride" because tonight was also the night I worked out with Eric and Guy again, and I remember going back home to rest for a bit before going back to the gym again. After The Ride, it rained hard and my shoes got soaked since I accidentally stepped into a puddle, so when I came back later that night, I wore sandals instead, and they said I couldn't go in since I had to be wearing shoes. So I went home and changed to a pair I kept unworn, and wore them, and worked out with Eric and Guy again.

Thursday, that's finally today. I did the cycling class again in the morning, and I ate the perfect amount throughout the day according to my calorie and macro tracker for today. Wahl and I messaged each other a bunch more times today.

I'd write more but I'm tired. So I'm just gonna go to sleep. Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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