Oct. 28, 2023

Friday and Saturday, texted with Wahl for a few hours, hung out with Eric and Guy again

11:58 PM

Today (Saturday) was a good day. Let me write about what happened yesterday (Friday) first. I woke up at around 12 PM on Friday, and then did some work until around 5 PM. Yeah I woke up extremely late, already in the afternoon. I think I fell asleep at like 4 AM the night before, so I got a decent amount of sleep, like 8 hours. I wonder how? I don't even remember what I did on Thursday. I think I went to "The Ride" cycling class again that morning, messaged Wahl a bit again, I think I sent her my resume on Thursday to show what I could teach her, and also show off what I've accomplished. Otherwise Thursday and Friday were normal work days.

After work on Friday though, I wanted to exercise with Guy and Eric again, but Eric went all the way down to Ponce, which is in the very bottom south of Puerto Rico. It takes about 1 hour from San Juan to Ponce I think, but that's because there's a direct highway route from here to there. If it's from in the middle of the island where there's no direct route, it takes like 2 hours, which is ironic because the center should be closer to the most southern part of the island than the most northern part.

So Eric couldn't work out with us, but I could still work out with Guy. He doesn't have a car though, so I drove all the way to Caguas to pick him up, and then we trained at the Crunch gym there. His facility has a lot more extraneous stuff which was interesting. The one in my area just has a tanning booth and also a hydromassager, his had those, plus several other machines. So apparently I stand out while in this gym. I'm the only Asian looking person, this will be relevant the next day.

After working out, Guy accompanied me to the grocery store called Amigos and we just walked aisle by aisle, looking at the different vegan foods and buying whatever. Nice, I just did my grocery shopping for the week. I bought some decent foods. There's a lot of foods here that can only be found here, that I've never seen in U.S. stares, and vice versa of course. Like Tres Monjitas bebida de almendra, the best almond milk I've ever had hands down, and it's not in any stores in the States. Yeah I bought some decent foods. There was no line at the checkout, which is opposite of my experience shopping at Wal-Mart.

Oh yeah to get to Guy's house, there's this massive extremely steep hill to climb, like the steepest hill ever, it's basically like a roller coaster going up, almost straight up vertical. There are many roads like this in Puerto Rico, this is the third one I've ever been on, and it was a nightmare to climb. The engine works extremely hard, and you're also lying straight back almost because of how vertical it is, and because of the angle, at the top of the hill there's no visibility of like who's coming down, and at the top there's no visibility of who's climbing up. Hard to describe, but basically it's an extremely dangerous driving situation. The brakes will also get worn down more easily because of how steep the hill is, even when braking all the way, you are still going at like 20 mph, it's nearly impossible to brake through and stop I think.

So climbing that was a unique experience. That's where the GPS brought me to when I picked him up. Thankfully there's actually three road entrances to his place, and the other two have much less of a steep incline, but are still quite steep at some places, and they are a lot longer to traverse. That's just how insanely steep this hill is. Anyway I dropped him off and went home.

At home, this is still Friday, I could not go to sleep. I played Beat Saber for like 2 hours, until my VR headset battery died, and then I charged it, and played again for another hour. I had two shirts that were fully soaking wet. It was like 4 AM Saturday by this point and I was still wide awake. It's probably because Guy recommended these energy drinks because they were tasty and vegan, Celsius and Oca, and the Oca one did not taste good, but yeah these woke me up to the point that I had trouble sleeping. I kept messaging Ami about this randomly, telling him I couldn't sleep.

At around 5 AM, I drove to the park and walked for like 30 minutes. I was the first to arrive, even before the guy who would open up the gate. I actually arrived at the park gates, saw it was still closed, and made a U-Turn. Then as I was heading out, another car was coming by, so I parked and watched to see what he would do, and he unlocked the gates. So I drove in, and I was the first person other than the park official to go in today (Saturday). I walked for like 30 minutes before going home.

At home I still was feeling energetic. So I just browsed the Internet I think. I went on Facebook and posted a comment on Wahl's new post. I messaged Wahl too I think, saying good morning, and asking some questions. I fell asleep at around 7 AM, and then I woke up at around 10 AM on Saturday, that's "Today" (even though I'm technically writing this on Sunday now, the Today for this entry is Saturday).

I just ate some protein powder I think, and browsed the Internet for a bit, and then Wahl replied. She sent like a short message, so then I messaged her back, and we messaged each other back and forth for like 3 hours. I flirted with her for a bit, in my own way, telling her I had a major crush on her, and that I wanted to take care of her and support her, she'd say a little bit of the same back. I sent her a decent amount of cash for private reasons because she needed it, she was grateful for it. I really want to provide for her and be her partner if she'd let me. Anyway this was the peak of the day for me, since Wahl, my crush, and I connected for a bit.

I told Ami about it and he said he hopes she's not just using me. I gave her the money without any expectations, she needed it and I wanted to help. I hope she considers me as a viable partner though, since I'd really treat her well, and I really like her a lot.

At this point when we were done texting each other, it was like 2 PM. I think I took a nap, ate, and then went to the Crunch fitness close to me, and I went on a bike for a bit, and also the treadmill. Then I used their hydromassage. It was alright. Not the best experience.

After this I messaged Eric and Guy again, and I went to Eric's place to hang out for a bit. We went to pick up Guy, in Eric's car, and I told him to take the steep hill route to Guy's house, and so we took that path. I told him about engine braking, after we already descended the hill, but yeah he said he was pushing all the way down on his brakes, but we were literally going like 20-30 mph down this hill. That's insane. It's so steep. I think hills that steep are not even allowed in the continental states.

After picking up Guy, we went to this vegan food truck, and had a small meal there. This was an area with a bunch of different food trucks, and there was this one bathroom, just one. So I stood behind this guy in line, and he actually looked at me and asked if I go to Crunch. Yeah. It turns out he ended up recognizing me at the Crunch gym yesterday, since I was the only Asian guy there, he said he saw me working out with my friend and remembered me. That's kinda insane right? I told Eric and Guy about it, Eric asked if I recognized him, and I said nope. I really didn't, there were a bunch of people at the gym. Apparently I stood out though. Crazy.

Then we drove for a bit, and went to a grocery store, and bought some vegan ice cream. This whole time we are talking about a lot of different things by the way, during our entire drives. It takes like 40-50 minutes to get from Eric's house to Guy's, and vice versa, we had a lot to talk about. Then at Eric's place, we watched The Road to El Dorado, I told them it was a vegan film since they didn't eat any animal parts in the film. I told them to watch for it, if there's any meat, and there really wasn't. That's so cool.

After that I drove home, and yeah. I'm here now. I'm sleepy. That was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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