Oct. 27, 2023


I think of myself as someone who does a lot of battling. Reinhardt started roughly 150 stats below the Rav pups, but he rose above them all (save for Rhallwyn, who used metric tons of guarana). Many of the Rav pups stuck around for this generation, and Armitage rose above them again (save for Zoey, Rhallwyn’s successor; don’t mess with the best).

On October 19, devs added a leaderboard for most battles won. Turns out I do FUCK ALL in terms of battles. Armitage’s battle record is 570/572. The BOTTOM of the battle leaderboard is 676. Literally what the hell. I’m getting destroyed out there.

Some of these names are expected. Frostwalker @ Mavric (934 battles) and Stahlhast @ Websteak (795 battles) are the preeminent madlads of our day and I always knew I was never beating them (straightedge drug free lead here). Kimbul @ Jera (709 battles) (whose predecessor, Ra’den, had more strength than Armitage before he passed away) and Ulfraf’n @ Shunkana (697 battles) (daughter of Ravenmocker, the former #1) are also big stat names. But some of these dogs are completely out of nowhere. Their lifetime stat gain doesn’t reflect regular stat grinding, let alone guarana grinding, so how are they finding so many more enemies than me?? The battle leader, Tesla @ Phoenix Tears (1172 battles(!!)) was level 18 a week ago at 2+ years old. A veritable layabout. How is he topping the board? It makes zero sense.

(My toxic trait: Every time I see my lead’s energy full I’m like SEE THIS is why you’re not on the battle leaderboard. Also, I don’t have a perfect win record because I have a tendency to spam-click wait and get wrecked by enraged enemies…but I already knew that and am not particularly riled up about it.)


edit (11/15): Well, it’s the end of the line. It’s Armitage’s last day, and he’s got a battle record of 1134/1143. The bottom of the leaderboard is 1200, then 1212, then 1325.

Armitage’s son Karta-Kul will likely/hopefully make the battleboard, just because everyone’s lead is on a different cycle, and not that many battlehounds will reach old age at the same time he does. But for that same reason, it won’t be as meaningful. Now is the only time we have a pure board, with everyone starting at 0 at the exact same time, and Armitage failed to make it. Oh well. He’s #4 on the overall stat leaderboard, not too shabby. Time to start the climb again.

Written by Achaius

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