Nov. 9, 2023

Chill Week

10:51 PM

I'm not sure how I feel about the past week. It's been boring but also eventful, two very contradicting statements. I'm bored right now as I type this. I already worked out today and did some rowing cardio for over 30 minutes, that was a good workout.

This is the first time in my life actually doing a dedicated rowing workout. I kept my heart rate above 140 and had the rower machine at the highest difficulty. I couldn't see what all the numbers on the screen said, because I don't have great vision without my glasses, but at my peaks it said I was burning 1000 calories per hour or something. With each stroke this number would change, with harder strokes causing the "calories burned per hour" to go up. I think over 1000/hr is pretty good power.

Actually I don't even know if it's calories per hour that's on there. I really look at it closely, but I'm assuming it's that. It could also just be a power output, and I am measuring over 1000 at peak power measurements.

Apparently the rower machine is supposed to give you a full body workout, so it works out all my muscles and also gives me a good cardio workout. Some people say it's the most complete machine, but it's something I never even tried or considered until tonight. It was actually because I saw someone using it the other day, while I was on the treadmill. It just interested me, because this machine looks like it's not as great a workout as a treadmill or elliptical, but it actually is better than both. I've done some rowing before, like a few minutes at a time, for fun, just to try it out years ago, but never dedicated 30 minutes like this.

Anyway it's extremely hard to lose weight. I have been exercising basically every day this past week, and I have been at around the same weight the entire week. It goes up and down depending on when I eat and drink of course, I think my empty gut weight would be at 178 pounds, but I hover usually in the 179 range. It's annoying. I just want to get down to 165 pounds, but I know that's going to take a long time to get there. With fasting at least I lost a pound a day of weight. This exercising method takes a long time though.

I'm also tracking my calories but I admit I eat too much. Today I had like 3000 calories. The amount of food I ate wasn't even extreme I think, but still, I just ate so many calories.

I am wide awake right now and it's almost 1 AM of the next day. I've been on Twitter on and off while writing this entry, recording some videos, and not uploading any. I also shaved my beard. I'm so bored. I'm so bored. I'm so bored. I'm wide awake too.

Every show bores me now. Every anime, every manga, everything bores me. I have so much energy too that I could exercise again right now, like I feel like I can run a marathon. But it's late at night, I pretty much can't do anything outside right now because everywhere is closed. I could just drive around for fun, and I actually already did that, but it's still so boring. I am so bored.

Yeah I can't wait to lose weight. I can't weight, pun intended. I'd sleep right now if I could, but I can't. Maybe I can? Maybe I should record a video first and then upload it on Twitter, and then go to sleep, and then see the results? Tomorrow (Friday) is a federal holiday, so no work. I didn't do any work today either though, because my clients took off work today too and I had no tasks that I haven't completed yet.

My rest of the week was normal. I just worked out with Guy and Eric on Monday and Wednesday. I took my Philosophy course finals on Sunday, and I got a 29 out of 30, so I just missed one question. Overall in the class I got like a 79.8% or something like that. Ridiculous. I only got a lower score because I honestly would skip some homework assignments, because I didn't care about doing them. I mean I'm a bad example, but I just took the class very lightly, I recommend doing all homework assignments. I just don't because it's not a big deal to me, I am already working and making a living and I'm just taking courses for fun.

Yeah nothing else really happened this week. I'm just so bored. And depressed? I don't know if I'm depressed, I don't think I am, like I don't want to end my life nor am I sad. But I am just bored out of my mind. There's nothing to do. When I was a kid I would sit in a chair and say "walang magawa. Walang gagawin" it means "there's nothing to do, there's nothing to do", or actually more literally "there's nothing for me to do, I don't have anything to do/I'm not going to do anything", which basically means the same thing.

Yeah. Bored. As. Ever.

Written by JustMegawatt

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