Nov. 11, 2023

Got on the roof of friend's hotel, lost weight, current weight lifting level

10:18 AM (of Sunday, November 12th 2023)

Today is Saturday, November 11th 2023 and I'm going to write about today (Saturday) and yesterday (Friday). Yesterday was a day off from work so I could just do whatever. I don't remember what I did during the day. I think I was asleep for most of the day, and woke up at like 1 PM or something. At around 7 PM though, Eric and Guy and I went to work out. I met up with the guys at the gym and we did our usual workouts.

I've surpassed Eric on a few different workouts. The thing is, when I first started working out with them, he made me start out light so I could perfect my form and work my way up the weights. Like I would do 20 pounds of weight on the calve raises exercise initially, even though I could do a lot more. I started out all my exercises this way from the bottom, so it was all lightweight to me. It's been 2-3 weeks now and I've been adding 10 pounds to my weight each time, I've now gotten to the point where I'm doing higher weights in some workouts than Eric, because the weight I'm doing has caught up to my present strength.

I guess I have already been strong this whole time, even without working out? Let me write down what I'm doing now, the current weights I can do. I continue to raise these by 10 pounds until I get to the point where I am set there, most of these workouts are still very light to me presently:

  • Barbell Squats: 25 pounds 3 sets of 8
  • Bench Press: 20 pounds 3 sets of 12
  • Deltoid Fly: 100 pounds 3 sets of 12
  • Standing Calf Raises: 120 pounds 3 sets of 12 (this is quite light for me still)
  • Bent Over Rows: 12.5 pounds 3 sets of 10 (I stay at a light weight for this because it's hard for me to get the form right. I'll increase when my form gets better)
  • Rope Tricep: 44 pounds, 3 sets of 11 (this one is my current level. It feels normal difficulty for me to do this)
  • Skull Crushers; 15 pounds, 2 set of 12 (Feels okay)
  • Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 30 pounds, 3 sets of 12 (feels easy)
  • Side Lateral Raises: 20 pounds, 3 sets of 8 (a little difficult)
  • Deadift: 10 pounds, 2 sets of 12 (again, intentionally stayed at a lighter weight for form)
  • Chin ups: 3 sets of 3 (feels difficult)
  • Dumbbell curls: 25 pounds, 3 sets of 12 (feels about right)
  • Ab Machine: 80 pouds, 3 sets of 12 (difficult)

We don't do all these workouts every time. We alternate between them. Some of them we do every time we go there, the other ones we do every other day. These are my current records for now.

After this, Eric and I arm wrestled, and he won. He is definitely stronger than me, but I can keep him in the starting position of the arm wrestling for a while, like it seems like we're evenly matched, but he has more drive and stamina than me. Being even with him in arm wrestling, pushing with all my strength, can start to hurt and feel uncomfortable after a while, I know I can't keep it up forever, so I would just give it to him after we're evenly tied for a while. Even if I didn't, I know I would lose eventually anyway. But yeah this is our like, 3rd arm wrestling match, and he got me. He's beaten me every time. We're both basically even until I let him get me, but he will eventually get me anyway even if I kept resisting.

Then we went to the Acai Express next to the gym, and I got an Acai smoothie. We sat and hung out there for a while.

Afterwards we went to his hotel, and for some reason the door across from him, which leads to the roof, was open tonight. Why? How? He says this is the first time it's even been left open. Anyway we went in there and hung out on the roof for a while, took some pictures. That was fun. You could see his entire hotel / condo compound from up there, as well as the airport and the airplanes, and many streets, and other places. His building is like 12 stories, and he lives right in front of a beach, in a good part of the city, next to the airport. It was all cool. We just chilled there.

Saturday (Today), was a pretty bad day. It started off pretty well, with me weighing pretty close to a good weight. I weighed like 177.4 pounds today. So guess what? I sabotaged this by eating a lot. Now as I type this, I weigh over 180 pounds again. It sucks. I hate sabotaging myself. That's basically all I did today, was just eat. I probably am still around 178 pounds actually, but I just have a lot of food in my gut still. But still, it's annoying.

I need to fix this.

Anyway, that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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