Nov. 12, 2023

Chill Sunday

12:47 AM (of Monday, November 13th 2023)

Today is Sunday, November 12th 2023 and it was a pretty normal / good day today. I can't really say I did much today, there was basically nothing that happened. I was mainly just on X the whole time, browsing the Internet and replying to tweets.

Last night I fell asleep after I had eaten a bunch of food. My plan was to fast for the whole day today, but that did not end up happening. Instead, I ate a little.

I did go to the park today and walked around for about 40 minutes. Even though I am lighter and more muscular now, it should mean that I should have more energy to walk and do stuff, right? Well that's not the case. I mean when I was over 200 pounds I was sometimes walking over 50k steps in a single day. Now that I'm below 180 pounds, I should, according to the laws of physics, be able to perform better. I should be able to walk over 50k steps quite easily compared to back then, but that's not the case at all.

I mean I just walked for 40 minutes today and I was already tired. I used to walk 4 hours sometimes last year, 4 full hours, now I wasn't even able to do 1 hour today. There is also something to do with mental energy and motivation. Right now there's just no motivation for me to have continued walking.

It's also why I haven't restarted the Habitica challenges yet or cleaned up my area a bit or do some other stuff. Just motivation. I don't know where it comes from either.

1:08 AM (of Monday, November 12th 2023)

I say that my area isn't clean, so I just went up and did some cleaning just now. It's of course still not clean. The water just turned off recently an hour or two ago for some reason, so right now I can't wash any dishes or flush the toilet. However, I did some cleaning.

I'm still so bored. I went to Wal-Mart today and bought some new weights as well as some groceries. I have a 15 pound kettlebell and right now I fell like that's too light, so I bought this adjustable kettlebell and other weight set. It comes with two barbell handles and like 60 pounds worth of adjustable weight for $100 or so. I thought that was a good deal. I also bought some vegetables and fruits from Wal-Mart.

I wokeu up at like 3 PM today. Yeah. I don't really know why, but I fell asleep at like 11 AM or so. I don't even remember.

Anyway a lot of thoughts are going through my head. I'll write it in tomorrow's entry.

Written by JustMegawatt

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