Nov. 17, 2023

Picked up my dad from the airport, chilled at home

11:58 PM

Yeah. Today is one day before the one year anniversary of the first date and real life meeting that Wahl and I went on. I don't even know why I continue to write about her, I should just move on. It is honestly hard to though, she is someone I would give everything to, that I want to give everything to.

I've been working out every day still. Yesterday (Thursday), I think I walked for like two hours outside, and then picked up my dad from the airport. The night before that, I also went to the gym in Caguas with Eric and Guy and did some workouts with them.

My weight went down the past few days, and I've been becoming more muscular and toned. However, after picking up my dad from the airport, I can't really blame it on anyone but myself, but I asked him to cook a bunch of food, that I know is a lot of calories. I didn't track how many calories I ate today, but it was a lot. I also didn't exercise or do much today. Anyway, I'm basically back to square one, 180 pounds again. I got down to 177 pounds but I guess fate told me to go back up.

I've been listening to some short biographies of historical figures in the Historical Figures podcast. They only have like 45 episodes or so, and I've been listening to them since around 2018 / 2019, so you think I would've already finished their entire series by now. However, nope. I don't even know how it's possible that I haven't yet, but there's still a bunch of episodes I haven't listened to yet. I guess it's because I just rarely listen to it.

It's quite interesting hearing about the lives of these great humans though. They are just regular people like you and I, except they made some marvelous discovery or did something amazing that changed the entire world. I listened to the biographies of Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla with my dad last night, and today we listened to the story of the Wright Brothers, as I drove around joy riding with him at night, just driving around with no destination, out of boredom.

There was a time I almost died tonight, because I was looking at the stores to the right, at an unfamiliar road. Like as I was driving, I just turned my head to the right and kept looking at the stores as we drove by. I thought the road would keep going straight, no turns ahead. If I had looked a second later, we would have hit a wall. Luckily, as I almost went off road, saw that the road didn't go straight anymore and there was this wide turn, and I just turned the car and braked really hard, and managed to survive. I'm not joking that it was a near death experience. If I honestly looked a second later, just one second, I wouldn't be here to type this right now.

Yesterday (Thursday) my dad and I went over to the La Casa Veggie burger king which is a vegan themed burger king (however they still serve animal products). The entire store is green and it's beautifully decorated. It's a really cool place. The place was crowded when we went, the lines inside were extremely long, and it took even a while to get out of parking because the drive through line extended all the way out blocking the parking lot. Like my dad and I sat there for a few minutes just waiting in the parking lot, unable to back out. Anyway it was a cool place. I posted my photos of it on Twitter and Facebook.

I can't believe I sabotaged myself by eating a lot again today. It sucks so much. I'm learning lessons though. I just have to improve for next time.

Last night Lia suggested again that I get therapy because she thinks I'm way too concerned about my weight and appearance. Like I'm overweight and don't look great. I think it's normal to be concerned?? She calls me handsome and says I already look fine, but I really don't. I'm still overweight and there is a lot of room for improvement. I want to get six pack abs.

At the gym two nights ago (Wednesday night) my friends and I noticed one of the receptionists was really attractive. I should've asked her out. I think I made a good impression on her, because we stood at the receptionist desk for a bit, she asked to take my photo for their system since my card didn't have a photo associated with it. Then Eric had some problems with his card, so yeah we were there for a few minutes. During that time I played around with my friends and laughed and joked a lot, also made eye contact with her a few times. Se yeah I think I could've asked her out.

I think it's kinda obvious that I stand out everywhere I go. The first time I ever went to this gym, it was packed with people. The next day I went to some restaurant with some friends, and while waiting for the bathroom to be vacant, the guy in line told me that he recognized me from the gym. I didn't interact with him at all, nor did I recognize him, but yeah he said he saw me at the gym last night with a friend. I mean there's also other stories like this, but yeah I stand out everywhere apparently.

Anyway tomorrow is Vegfest in Puerto Rico. I invited Wahl to it but she said she was busy. I still kind of have hope that we will still meet up again at some point in real life, but I don't know. I have another song to complete, and also a lot of weight to lose. Then maybe I can try asking her out again, when I'm fitter and more toned? I think I have a lot of potential in being attractive.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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