Nov. 21, 2023

PR Vegfest 2023, exercising, cleaning and packing up

2:36 AM (of Friday, November 24th 2023)

Today is Tuesday, November 21st 2023, and it's been a good few days. I picked up my dad from the airport on Thursday, and he basically cleaned up and did some other chores on Friday like trim the backyard garden. I realized it's probably not worth it flying him over just so he can do some chores I can already do myself, but yeah that's basically the main reason I fly him in, we were also supposed to fly out together back to Virginia, but that didn't happen, I'll explain why later. He also put paint primer on the wall that was peeling paint.

The problem is that it has this after-smell, so we left all the windows open and turned on the fans to maximum for this. I left it open and kept the fans blowing for like 4 days straight, and it still smelled. I think you have to put paint on top of paint primer to make the smell go away. I'll do that when I come back home in a week or two.

Anyway I really don't remember much about Friday. On Saturday though, we went to Puerto Rico Vegfest. We woke up pretty early and then went to the Burger King close to Eric's place and picked up Guy, just Guy. Eric was supposed to come along, but he didn't have a ticket, and because of that he felt demotivated not to come along. We had an extra ticket in fact, and I sent it to him, but he didn't respond until much later. I think he just went back to sleep. The ticket was under my dad's name anyway so maybe it wouldn't have worked, but it was an extra ticket we paid for, so maybe it would have?

Anyway we picked up Guy and he ate in the car as we drove to Isabela, the city in which this year's Vegfest was taking place. The drive was pretty long, around two hours. I put up this audiobook on being overweight and how to lose weight, and switched it later to a short biography on John D. Rockefeller. We also talked in the car for a bit. We made a stop at the cliffs overlooking the shore at some point. The view was amazing. It was just this cliff high above the waters and you could see the shores for quite a distance. We also stopped and took pictures at this cave and structure close to the Isabela Royal, which is the name of the hotel and golf course area where the Vegfest was taking place in.

The Vegfest itself was nice, there were a lot of vendors, and a lot of people showed up. It's this private event in a sort of far away area, that you have to buy $5 tickets for to get in. I think it should have been more public so that anyone could take part, but I think all the food and everything would have sold out within a few minutes if it were public. A few of vendors definitely had everything sold, where they didn't have any food left, and they brought plenty. We were one of the first people there, so I saw all the food some of them had available. Everything was vegan too which was awesome, by default all food should just be vegan, and that torturing and killing an animal and adding their body parts, should be the optional part and that most people should opt out of doing that.

It is weird people still eat animal products, I haven't in over 10 years, there is literally no point in torturing and killing animals, using their body parts and secretions, for any food or item. When I used to consume those products, I thought we needed to, because everyone around me was doing it. Realizing it was an optional horrific nightmare most people take part in, was awakening. The people you meet who are vegans, I feel like they are so different from everyone else. They realize there is this obvious horror happening and they don't take part in it. Talking to them, I feel like they realize so many obvious things most people aren't even aware of.

Anyway, I enjoyed my time at Vegfest. I met a few different people, got some new contact information. I met a woman who lived close to me, and she gave me her number. I texted her the next day but she never responded back. I guess she just lost interest? She was the one who talked to me initially, and she seemed interested in going out. So, that's weird. I was attracted to her too, she was very attractive. There were two people I was most into there, she was the second.

Anyway the next day, Sunday, I dropped my dad off at the airport. I was supposed to fly back with him, but I had some other things to do on the island first. I would end up flying back to Virginia again on Wednesday, several days later. Every day though, I would wake up, and walk for around two hours, and then I would exercise a little at home. I also exercised at the gym on Monday with Guy and Eric. That's the last time we would see each other until I'm back in Puerto Rico again. They are honestly very cool friends.

Hmm. Yeah. I can't say much else happened here. I'm sleepy.

Oh yeah, I did upload this photo here from Puerto Rico Vegfest, and it has the highest rating out of any photo I've ever uploaded, and I've uploaded a lot. Apparently I look really good in this photo??? I don't know. Anyway. I want to lose weight and exercise more so I can look better. Maybe I can message Wahl again then, when I have six pack abs, and she would accept me? Then we can be a couple with six pack abs, since she already has them? Like, it's really hard to get. I'm working for it though. I have to drop my body fat %. Or if not Wahl, if she still doesn't want to give me another chance even after all that, then maybe I can find someone else, since I'd be more attractive and have more option anyway?

Yeah. Life is kinda lonely and I want a partner and girlfriend.

Anyway that was my past few days.

Written by JustMegawatt

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