Nov. 25, 2023

Was in Virginia for a day, now in Peru. Lots of updates

4:59 AM (of Sunday, November 26th 2023)

Today is Saturday, November 25th 2023. I was in Virginia for the past two days, celebrating Thanksgiving (or Thankstaking more like it, where hundreds of millions of turkey birds were needlessly slaughtered to be consumed by people). Now I'm in Peru.

I hate the 4 hour plane ride from Puerto Rico to Virginia, and back. 4 hours. It's such a long flight. I just sit there doing nothing for a couple of hours. I do like the plane prices though, it's only about $350 or so, on average, to go from one to the other. Sometimes it's under $200 to fly there, but on busy days like this, it can go up to $400. I paid like $350 I think for my flight to Virginia.

So I arrived there on Wednesday night, and it was cold at the airport and outside. I was just wearing a shirt and some thin pants, coming from the warmer weather of Puerto Rico, so I wasn't expecting the cold. It was cold! My dad picked me up and we ran back to the car in the airport parking lot because it was freezing. Along the way there was someone we saw who got into a car accident into the parking lot. There was a person backing up and I guess they didn't see the car behind them, and hit that car. Now they have to deal with this drama in the cold.

Anyway we drove back home, I gave my mom a hug, and then I just went to sleep I think. I didn't even turn on my laptop. The next day I don't remember what I did. Oh yeah, I went over to a Crunch gym. The closest one was a 40 minute drive, but I drove there. I saw non-hispanic white and black people, which is rare in PR. I'm a rarity as an Asian too. I stand out and get attention everywhere in Puerto Rico. Anyway I worked out at that Crunch gym, and it was great. Honestly I felt intimidated and sort of shy in there. Wahl works out every day at a Crunch I think, and I just imagined what it would be like being her and working out here.

Afterwards I chilled at home for a bit, bored. What else was I supposed to do? At lunch we went to this place called Loving Hut, which is an Asian vegan restaurant chain, and ordered some take-out too. We brought these to the Thanksgiving celebration with other family. If I had to be honest, I don't like how closed minded this host family is, torturing and killing birds every year and smiling about it, they're not good people in my eyes. I'm surprised they're not grossed out by having to boil this dead bird body, which isn't appetizing at all without cooking and seasonings.

Anyway we drove home afterwards and I planned stuff to buy for Black Friday. At home I updated my dating profile on Veggly with a new picture and description. Then I sent it to Lia and ooh. I don't think I've given her a nickname yet. Also wow, we've known each other for a year now. Okay, Edd, because she has an ED, and that's how we met. I sent it to Lia and Edd for review. Edd said it was fine, but Lia didn't respond back. She's on vacation somewhere and has notifications off on her phone, she doesn't want to be disturbed I guess.

So I did that, and I also used the "Vegboost" feature. I got 2 likes within 12 hours (I was only in Viriginia for the next 12 hours). Nice. I mean this is nice, because I have friends who use the app, and don't get any likes throughout their entirety of using the app. Some of my friends don't even get any likes on any dating app, even the mainstream ones. So yeah, two is nice. But you know the coolest thing? Someone who's profile I really liked, and who's photos I found really attractive, liked me back. Wow! And guess what? We're talking right now, not literally, but we are messaging each other and getting to know each other more. I'll get to that later though.

Anyway I dropped off my mom at her workplace today so I could borrow her car. My dad went off to work at his part-time $10 an hour place, and my mom went to her also very low wage full time job, so I wouldn't have any car if I didn't drop off my mom first. Anyway with the car, I did absolutely nothing with it. I basically just drove back home, taking a longer route to see some old "ghetto" neighborhoods. These neighborhoods are actually really nice. For the "ghetto" part of town, these homes looked amazing. At home I did nothing. I planned on walking outside, but that didn't happen. Sucks.

Later at 12, my dad came back from his part-time job, and one of my aunts wanted to be picked up and dropped off at another aunt's home. So we picked them up and dropped them off, they gave us this manual juicer as a gift. Actually they said they had a bunch of stuff they could give out, but when we went there, they didn't have it ready yet. Anyway their house is huge. Gigantic. Wow. Wow. They are very well off. Amazing.

Then we drove back home. Along the way, there was this Palestinian protest and they crowded the streets. We were there for like an hour just sitting in traffic. There were a bunch of people in cars waving Palestine flags and protesting. They are talking about wanting peace, wanting to stop the killing, but they likely pay for animals to be tortured and killed themselves. They should advocate for peace after they are peaceful themselves. I have this viewpoint of anyone who preaches compassion, but then pay for animals to be tortured and killed for them, that they don't have it themselves.

Anyway we drove over to Wal-Mart and bought some oranges to use with the Juicer. The place was packed, as was the Best Buy close by to the Wal-Mart. There were so many people doing Black Friday shopping of all races, but very few white people, not that many Asians either, weird? At home we tried out the juicer. Then we just chilled for a bit. During this time I matched with and started talking to Kelly, that's the nickname I'll give her, also I'll ask her if I can call her that too. She's very attractive, also works out a lot like Wahl.

There's always this phase that a girl who's really into you, will talk to you a lot, give you undivided attention, reveal anything of themselves that you ask for. I was in that phase with Wahl for a while, and I missed that. Then there was this phase with Sweetie, I think that's the name I gave her? The other person I talked to for like a few weeks, a month? I wrote about her I'm pretty sure. If I texted her at 5 AM, she'd text within 5 minutes back, always. She sent photos, anything in life she was up to, any information I asked for. She was so cool. I was in this phase with Emma for a while too, but I just wasn't so physically attracted to Emma even though she was extremely nice. Some other women I can name, but this would go on for a while. Now I'm in this phase with Kelly, and I hope it remains that way. She's so cool and nice too. I hope I don't screw up this opportunity like the others.

Everyone has their flaws that pop up in time. I guess except for Wahl, I'd say there's no flaws with her, there was nothing I was unhappy with. She just lost interest in me and stopped giving me the time and attention she used to give. Actually Sweetie was pretty good too, same story as Wahl I guess, she was awesome but just disappeared randomly, I still don't know why. Sweetie did unblock me, and I texted her again while I was at the airport in San Juan, because I was bored. All my messages went to delivered, but I got no response still.

Anyway yeah, I'm talking to Kelly now and she's cool. We're in this phase. She's somewhat quick to respond, and answers anything I ask about. She's enthusiastic. Attractive, and fit, a world traveler. I really like her a lot too.

Anyway I flew to Peru next. The flights were so painful. I hated this. I hated this so much. It was an 8 hour flight to Panama and we stayed at the Panama airport for like an hour, and then had a 4 hour flight to Peru from there. The timezone is the same as EST this whole time across all these countries, I had no idea. I had no idea that Peru, which is on the western most tip of South America, was in the same time zone as New York, and actually Virginia since that's where I was.

Anyway, we landed, got driven to the hotel by an Uber. It was like a 40 minute drive, but the cost was only like $12. Cheap! I guess it's cheap with a westerner coming in with U.S. dollars. We dropped off our stuff at the front desk of the hotel since the check-in time was at 3 PM, and it was only like 1:30 PM at this point.

Anyway, we ate at a vegan restaurant, that's where this picture was taken. The food was nice. The total? Around $55. Nice!

Then we went back to the hotel, got settled for a bit. I messaged Kelly telling her I was in Peru now, and she responded back like a few minutes later. Then we went out and walked to the tourist and shopping areas. The only things we bought were some drinks. I don't know, I got really into drinks lately. Not alcoholic drinks, but like really exotic fruit and herb ones, fermented kombucha, dairy-free kefir, those kinds of drinks. I bought a bottle of a Camu Camu and Chicha Morada, some unique fruit drinks here. Also we found an ice cream bean fruit and I bought one. My parents were mad and didn't think it was edible, but I ate it at home. It was yummy.

Anyway, then we went to sleep afterwards. I am still exhausted. That was my day today. I'll hopefully continue writing about my day here and also what happens between Kelly and I while I'm here.

Written by JustMegawatt

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