Dec. 9, 2023

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9:11 AM (of Sunday, December 10th 2023)

Today is Saturday, December 9th 2023 and I came back home to Puerto Rico two days ago. I love going on vacation because I always lose weight and have a bunch of amazing pictures taken whenever I travel. Today I'm 6 pounds down from where I was before, and I put in no effort to achieve that. I basically just traveled and lost that much weight. I mean sure we did go out and do a lot more things, but I also felt like I ate a lot. I didn't take a picture of every single time I ate, but actually, yeah, that's pretty much every single time except a handful, like breakfasts and snacks. So I really didn't eat as much compared to at home.

I am enjoying my current weight. It's so cool, and it's just a few pounds down from before, not even an extreme amount. I still have 24 pounds left to go to reach my goal weight. I don't know how I'm going to achieve that now that I'm not traveling anymore. I have to carefully watch what I eat, and make sure I'm doing activities throughout the day since normally I'm pretty sedentary.

I think that's the main difference between me traveling and staying at home. I'm sedentary at home. I know it is generally true that for losing weight, the food intake matters much more than exercise. However, when I'm traveling, I'm much more active, like standing/walking for 5+ hours a day. When I'm traveling, I usually get around 15k steps a day, sometimes over 20k, sometimes like 25k, but usually just around 15k steps a day. That's less steps than when I'm committed to walking, but I would still lose weight traveling.

Anyway, on Thursday upon the plane landing and shortly after I got home and unpacked, I hung out with my friend Mary and her friend, since they were visiting Puerto Rico from Mexico for one week only. I showed them El Murro, the big castle in Old San Juan at night. Then we went to Wal-Mart to buy some souvenirs, I ended up buying some paint and other tools, and some drinks. Then we went out to La Placita, this popular party place in Puerto Rico. It's my first time there. I'm not really into that whole scene though, so I just stood around and didn't do much. It was boring to be honest.

What's cool though is there's no political drama or anything here. No Palestinian protests, no Ukranian/Russian war posters, no one cares. In Virginia, people made those issues big deals, they would have protests and have the Ukranian flags in their cars. These people are so much anti-violence and think they have compassion, but they are hypocrites, since they likely pay for animals to be tortured and killed for them to eat.

I think America and the West, aka white people civilization, is collapsing. I'm usually a several years ahead of the curve. When people find out about things, I've usually already known it for years before they even heard of it. I'm predicting there will be a lot of "racism" in the future, lots of tension and conflict between people of color and white people. Within people of color, there exists divisions like Asians, blacks, hispanics, Muslims, and every single group has their own conflicts. Asians will probably have the least drama. The other races will have mix of emotions towards them, mainly negative.

I can't even write my thoughts freely, because a lot of it would seem like racism, even if they are just my observations and opinions. It is taboo to say a negative observation about a group of people, even if it were true, unless they are white, then you can say all the negative things about them even if it were false. So for white people, they are getting displaced by "minorities". In the United States, by Hispanics. In Europe, by Muslims. It seems like every "minority" person wants to live in a White person's nation. White people are getting displaced because they have laws that allow everyone in. I don't think it's a good thing. It took me 11 years to get my American citizenship, and so far this year, 8 million people have come in the United States illegally.

In Europe, some nations like Sweden have extremely high crime rates. That's mainly due to the "refugee" immigrants that they let in and give housing to. The net cost or net benefit of a certain group of people is also worth looking into. There are people who are a net-negative on society, and people who are a net-positive, as in, there are people who will contribute far less and take in far more from government aid, and there are people who contribute far more and take less government aid. For countries like Sweden, France, the UK, heck even the United States, the immigrants are a net cost to their society, they are paying money for them to stay there for free. The stats are available online.

I'm still not writing down my thoughts freely. I think there will so much race and religion related conflicts in the future. But yeah, I see a world of difference when I visit the United States as opposed to when I'm in Puerto Rico. The political climate here is calm. I have vegan friends here. I feel nice and safe. There's no political drama, at least none at the forefront, since of course every place has their problems. But yeah. It's interesting. This is all interesting stuff isn't it?

The next day, Friday, I hung out with Mary and her friend again the whole day. We went out to the Bacardi factory and got a tour there. That place was interesting. I got to learn about the history of Bacardi rum and how they became the world's largest rum empire today. Then we went out shopping for souvenirs and then went to La Perla, that was my first time there. It was all interesting. This took place the whole day, I did some early work in the morning before heading out. It was an emotional time when we parted because at La Perla, they were at this drum circle and I was bored out of my mind and wanted to get out of there, so I said I had to leave to meet up with some other friends, which was true. Anyway they both gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek when we parted. I cried a little on the drive back home.

Then Saturday, today, I just sat at home and did nothing. I did go out to Costco and refilled my gas. The rest of the time I just ate and watched some political videos and read some political articles. This stuff is new for me too. But it was all interesting. I also messaged Wahl again. I took a lot of naps throughout the day too. The entire day just went by like nothing.

Anyway that was my day the past few days.

Written by JustMegawatt

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