Dec. 14, 2023

Had some birds on me

11:59 PM

Maybe it wasn't fair of me to write about the topics I wrote about in my last entry. I have compassion for everyone, but at the same time I can notice harm and conflict. There isn't really any easy solution either to settle people's differences, except for things to continue they are, which will lead to disaster in my opinion.

I've been researching, reading, and watching videos about this topic a lot more, the race differences between people. I grew up thinking there was no difference between any of us, but the information I've been absorbing, shows there are, and I can't deny it. I've been on the website Bitchute, a "right wing" alternative site to YouTube, because many videos on these topics, topics about race, religions, cultures, negative videos about these, are not allowed and are deleted on YouTube, and its creators banned.

The videos are very interesting to watch, like they just opened my eyes to things I've never thought about or paid attention to. However, it's taboo in our society to consider these statistics and observations between races, no matter how apparent they are. Anyway, I guess I'm done writing about this topic forever. But, I have gathered a lot of knowledge on this, probably a couple hundred hours worth, since I've been constantly reading and watching about these topics.

I've shown some of these videos to Eric. He said he's never considered these things either, but they are interesting observations. I don't know. It's just hard for me to view the world in the same way after learning about these things. It's so apparent, but a lot of us just never see it. I think in a few years, it will become a lot more apparent, and more people will notice, and hopefully we can resolve everything in a peaceful manner. Like I said, I make observations years before the masses do. Any topic.

Like the AI stuff with ChatGPT, I've known of their potential capabilities with machine learning since like 2013. I've read books on the topic. I've programmed some bots and pre-AI stuff myself, I made a custom scripting language that was used to automate my job back in 2016. These are not advanced as the AI today, I never used any machine learning, these are hard-coded automations, but I knew of their existence. I think it's called TensorFlow? That's a machine learning library. I've known about that since it came out in 2016 or so. I have a former friend that has a PHD on computer science, and he did some paper on it or something. I've also seen some tutorial videos on it, so I know how it works, but I never did them myself.

This is why when AlphaGo came out, it didn't surprise me when the world champion Go player was defeated by an AI bot. I knew what Go was too, I know the rules and how to play it, I've played some Go games online with other people before (I suck at it though). I've known about Go since at least 9th grade, when I read the manga Hikaru no Go, which is a really good manga. It's one of my favorite manga stories, and I've read it a few times from beginning to end. The story is fascinating, and I think it influenced my life in a way.

Speaking of life influence, I watched some Twin Study videos today. So what determines who we become? Is it genetics, or environment, or a little of both? If a little of both, what percent? Based on some fascinating twin studies on identical twins separated at birth, some of these twins who have identical genes but are separated to different parents and environments, still somehow end up being extremely similar to their twin. So the obvious similarities will be their appearance and personality, they are basically the same. Something else that is tested to be the same, is their intelligence.

What's interesting with these twins, is that they can be separated by a continent and not know of the other's existence, but still somehow end up with the same professions, the same hobbies, the same habits. I saw a video on two identical twins, one is in the United States, the ether is in Europe, they didn't even know the other existed until they were like in their 40s or something. It turns out they had the same exact job, which is hockey coach. They have the same number of kids, they married the same year, they have the same favorite food, they have the same unusual trait of not using any condiments on their food, and similar childhood experiences.

This wouldn't mean much if this was the only case of this, but this happens with a lot of identical twins. Many identical twins in adulthood, when separated from birth, still somehow end up with the same job, hobbies, and habits, along with any weird peculiarities. Now, identical twins who are not separated, I didn't look much into, but I don't think they end up with the same job usually? I don't know. But it's just fascinating that it happens at all with separated twins, let alone very frequently, like it's probably more the case that they have the same profession than not.

So based on what I learned from watching several identical twins separated at birth videos, and learning of at least 10 different twins, I think our genetics make up 90% of who we are. Maybe even 99%. The environment might just be luck and circumstance playing around with who we are. We are set to be a certain way, and whatever circumstances we encounter are just luck and chance seeing how we would react to it. Yeah, I'm pretty convinced that is the case, just because it's no coincidence these twins have almost everything in common.

Like how is it that two twins will have the same number of kids, and name their kids the same names? How is it that twins will have the same kind of pet, maybe even the same breed, and give the pets the same names? How is it that one twin will make up a word for a habit, like "squigging" for pushing up glasses with the palm, yes this is actually a real thing, and the other twin also came up with that word for that exact habit? How? Like two twins separated at birth, both push their glasses up with their palm, which is a weird thing to do, and they gave it the same made up name of "squigging"? Oh and they have the same job, hobbies, habits, when they have a completely different upbringing from different parents. How crazy of a coincidence is that?

Anyway, i think who we are as people, is largely genetic. The environment plays a small but also significant role. Based on this, if we had an identical twin that was separated from us at birth, they would likely be very similar if not identical to us, even though we grew up separate from them not knowing they've existed this whole time. It wouldn't be shocking if the identical twin has your exact college degree too, and works the same job as you. Maybe you have a habit of dancing at midnight? It won't be a surprise if your identical twin had that same exact habit. That's how influential our genetics are. We become who we are meant to be. This is gene expression.

This applies for anything positive and negative. If we are obese, it's likely our genes, and our identical twin would also be the same. It's not that the genes makes us obese, but the genes will cause us to maybe be hungry more, or be likely to eat more, or something. Identical twins tend to feel the same way about drugs and food as their twin, tend to have the same favorite foods. Since I am vegan, I am willing to bet that if I had an identical twin, they would be too, because they would think similarly to me.

Environment of course matters. But, since I realized from a young age that it was wrong to torture and kill animals, and I had full control in not paying for their suffering, I'm sure my identical twin would have realized the same exact thing too. Like if I had an identical twin, and explained to them whatever ideas, that they'd feel the same way about it too. That's how influential our genes are. If you're interested in this topic, I'd look up the Minnesota Twin Study, or just search for identical twin studies. It's so fascinating how similar identical twins are, even if they are separated from birth to different countries.

Anyway, I'm tired. I haven't done much the past few days, so I can't really say I did anything. I hung out with some friends again on Sunday. I hung out with Eric, Guy, and a date that Guy took along. That was cool I guess. We went to the park and at some point I was feeding some pigeons with bread, and they just started flying all over me and landing on me. I thought that was epic. I got this really cool picture of me taken too.

The rest of the days, i basically just worked. And yeah. I'm tired.

Anyway that was my day the past few days.

Written by JustMegawatt

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