Dec. 15, 2023

party in the house

Today’s the day of the office Christmas party—usually a time of great festivity. But here’s the thing. It’s been three years since covid. I don’t know any of these dudes. The food isn’t worth awkward conversations with strangers (or awkwardly sitting by myself, or awkwardly slinking out with a full plate of food, and maybe awkwardly slinking back in to nab a second round of desserts, which are the highlight). So that makes things easy: I’m staying home today.

Megg would have literally nothing to eat. One year there was someone vegetarian who had no food options—even the pasta was cooked in chicken stock—and the best the caterers could do was give her a plate of shredded cheese. Megg, being vegan, can’t even have cheese.

In lieu of the office party, roommate and I had a home party with Doordash dinner. It’s the new normal—better than the old normal for sure, even without a bunch of fancy desserts.

Written by Achaius

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