Dec. 25, 2023

Happy Holidays! Back in Virginia Again

11:40 PM

I'm back in Virginia again. The past week in Puerto Rico hasn't been much. I just did some work again, hung out with Eric and Guy a bunch, and did some workouts and stuff again.

On Friday a few days ago, I did some quite heavy squats and I hurt my back a little. It's not super heavy, just 52.5 pounds on each side, plus the 45 pound bar, so that's 150 pounds. Is that even heavy? I weigh 175 pounds. Anyway, I did 3 sets of 5 reps each, and it wasn't bad for the first two sets. On the last set, I think that's when I hurt my back, and I had a little back pain throughout the day. The next day on Saturday, it basically went away.

I also did some laundry for Eric on Friday night. I was tired though, but I did laundry on all his clothes which was a lot. It took over 3 hours for the washing machine and the dryer to clean up all these clothes, it was so much and so heavy. My back hurting made it even harder.

On Saturday, I just sat around at home and then hung out with Eric and Guy again later that day. I dropped off the laundry at Eric's place, and then went to a grocery store with them, and then the beach for a bit. Then I just went home and stayed there I guess, and then I think we hung out again at night.

On Sunday, it was Christmas Eve. I got some holiday wishes from my parents, and some friends, and greeted them the same. I did a lot of cleaning up and chores at home today. I bought the Apple Watch Ultra 2 for Wahl because they were taking this watch off the U.S. market for a while. I mean it's hers if she wants it and we meet up again. I messaged her at night telling her I got them for her, because I messaged her a few months ago telling her I would get them.

Eric, Guy, and I hung out at Eric's hotel by the pool. It was a cool night, just sat around staring at the stars and chatting for a bit.

On Monday, today, it's Christmas. I flew back to Virginia this morning and the flight was super long as always. I hate these 4 hours flights. I really hate them because they take such a long time. I listened to an hour of an audiobook, then I couldn't stand it anymore and listened to music the rest of the trip while playing the game Impulse. Anyway my parents picked me up and we went back home. On the drive back home, Wahl texted me back, the first message from her in like 2 months, whew. I still like her a lot. At home, I just did whatever for a bit and got my dad to download Impulse and do two IQ tests on it.

I would later test today and got the max score in the "Quick IQ Test", the max score being 30 out of 30 questions right, and I got an IQ rating of 145. My first attempt at this was 106, then I got 126, now I got 145 in my third attempt, all taken like several days apart, probably a week or more between my first try and this try, or who knows, the days seem to be going by slowly. For the "General IQ Test" my first score was 129, and then I got 141 in this attempt.

Then we went to a Christmas party at my cousin's place. That was fun. I talked with a few of my cousins there, and I got a lot of presents, I think the most presents out of anyone else. That's kinda interesting. I had several gifts marked for me, which was kinda cool I guess.

Anyway, I'm sleepy. I'd write more and in much more detail, but I'm so tired.

Written by JustMegawatt

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