Dec. 23, 2023

bb bonanza

It’s a holiday bonanza. First Thanksgiving in Boston, now Christmas in Wisconsin with brother. As usual I took the train down to my parents’ on Friday afternoon, got a haircut (yesss no more veilspun cosplay), and then we drove up on Saturday morning. We were going to leave at 9 am, but Dad had to write his WEEKLY NEWSLETTER EMAIL so we left at 9:45.

I brought one (1) gift for BB. Mom and Dad have like seventeen gift bags in the back of this van. Also multiple potted plants, a giant bag of brussels sprouts, heavy duty tinfoil, a vacuum cleaner…I don’t know what all. Plus a bag of Ghirardelli chocolates and a tin of butter cookies for me.

BB is six and a half months old. Very cute, very squirmy. They're trying to train him to sleep through the night (he’s old enough he doesn’t need to be fed overnight). The problem is, he will roll from back to belly during the night, and he can’t roll back,* and then he will throw a screaming fit because he CAN’T SLEEP LIKE THAT. Then brother will pop in, flip him, and leave, prompting a renewed fit because WHY AREN’T YOU CARRYING ME. The life of a baby is tough.

* Actually he can roll from belly to back (we saw him do it just this afternoon), but it’s a challenging maneuver and he can’t just do it on demand, especially not when half asleep and hopping mad. Back to belly is way easier for him. Reverse turtle.

We’re staying over at brother’s house (no Hampton this time), and I get the living room couch, so maybe I’ll find out firsthand how the sleep training is going.

Written by Achaius

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