Dec. 24, 2023

a christmas eve concert

BB slept through the night! It probably helped that his afternoon nap was truncated (too much excitement in the house). He slept from 8:30 pm to 6:30 am, woke up for a drink, and then dozed off again until nearly 8. Everyone including me was showering him with praise and little man has no idea what he did because he slept through it all.

Yesterday I learned that when babies are tired, they don’t realize they can just conk out. That’s part of why they cry so much. They’re like HEY. I’M TIRED. THIS SUCKS. HEY. HEY. SOMEONE FIX THIS IMMEDIATELY and continue flipping out until someone soothes them to sleep or they manage to pass out on their own.

We had our Christmas lunch today because Mom brought a bunch of food for cooking. We had honey sriracha wings, BBQ ribs, salmon, corn casserole, lil potatoes, and brother’s cornbread stuffing (the highlight imo). BB provided entertainment. During the meal itself, he sat in the bouncer (a slightly rockable seat on the ground). Once we finished eating, they decided to let him pilot the high chair for the first time. He loved it. He immediately discovered he could slam his hands/toys on the table tray, aka the most fun thing ever. Brother brought out his toy keyboard and he played a whole concert.

Written by Achaius

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