Dec. 31, 2023

My Last Entry of the Year, Year in Review

11:25 PM

2023 was a good year. It wasn't a great year, but it was a good year. The year just went by so fast, I can't really say I did all that much. I started the year off last year with some fasting which lasted a couple of weeks. I don't remember much after, but I gained most of that weight back within the month. After that, I guess time just went by, and then I eventually flew back to Virginia and then to England, and then Spain with my parents.

Some more stuff happened between then, and a few months later I went back to California and had some fun there. After that, I flew to Virginia again to visit my parents. We then flew to Germany, and then went to different countries nearby: Switzerland, Hungary, and Austria. I don't remember the exact order of countries we went to.

Some more stuff happened. I met Eric and Guy, and we hang out a few times a week now. Then I went to Peru and had some more adventures there. So I went to 8 countries total this year: United States, England, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Hungary, Austria, and Peru. If Puerto Rico counted as its own country, but it doesn't, that would be 9 countries.

A whole lot of nothingness happened between then. I didn't work on any new major projects. I mean I did get some work done, I did do a decent amount of donations again this year, I did meet a few new people actually, not just Guy and Eric. I went to some events and had fun with people. But overall, not much.

Last year I had a cruise, worked on Vegpal, went to New York, went to Denmark, went to Boston, had a date with Wahl. I think last year was far more eventful, I just did a lot more. 2023 was okay. I hope 2024 is going to be better than 2022 and 2023, we'll see.

Anyway this is sort of a rushed entry because I have to prepare for the New Year's party I will be celebrating with my parents. I have to set up the camera and change clothes, and have some fun. So yeah. I'll be back. Hopefully I have some good habits for next year. Also I have to write about the stuff that happened recently which I haven't yet.

Written by JustMegawatt

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