Jan. 1, 2024

First Day of the Year!!

10:20 PM

Today is the first day of the year 2024 and overall I would say it was a good day. In the morning, for some reason, I downloaded this app called BetterMe after playing some Impulse games again and getting the max score in some games. Impulse is this "brain training" app and has a bunch of different brain training games. It had some 97% sale of $15 for a yearly subscription, I took it, and I play the games a lot. They're fun and challenging for the mind, well worth the cost. I also took their IQ tests and other tests that they had, and those were worth the cost too, overall one of the best apps I've found.

Anyway, unknowingly, as in I don't know why I did it, but I also downloaded this other app called BetterMe. I did the 4 minute introduction workout it had, and that was fun and easy. I then did a 9 minute ab workout and that really gave my abs a good workout. I lifted some weights for a bit after, and then tracked my food calorie intake using the app too. This one also had a subscription, normally it was $240 or so a year, like $19.99 a month. Somehow, I cancelled the trial, and it gave me this offer for $19.99 for a year, and so I took that offer. Hell yeah.

I was looking through the "Other plans and subscriptions" list on it as well, since Apple just lists all the available subscriptions and their prices when going to the subscription page, to make sure I would be getting a good deal on it, and yeah, this was the best deal for that app. So I signed up for it. There was this countdown timer for 60 seconds to accept that deal though, I'm not sure how accurate that was, but I still bought it.

There's lots of random other pricey stuff on the app that I won't even sign up for. The videos and workouts are enough. After looking at some of the amount of hours people work out a year, some of the fittest people work out over 650 hours a year, that's around 2 or more hours of working out every single day. The elite level probably work out 3-4 hours per day. I don't know if anyone works out more than that. But yeah that is a consideration now. I really need to work for it if I want to get fit. It takes effort.

Wahl messaged me back today. We've been messaging each other again every now and then the past week or so since Christmas until today. I haven't seen the long message yet, but I saw a preview where she said she wasn't interested in a romantic relationship but she valued my friendship. Friend zone obviously. It basically means she likes me and values me being around, but isn't attracted to me, and she's likely not attracted to me because we didn't do anything intimate when we went on our first date.

Based on my experience, kissing as a minimum level of intimacy has to happen on a first date to avoid the friend zone. This is a lesson I learned way too late, missing the most important person this would have applied for. I just never thought about it before, since most of my first dates had a kiss, and they turned out well, second dates, etc. It hurts, but I still hope to have another chance. I'll reply to her in a couple of weeks when I'm ready. Hopefully I can have some six pack abs and more muscle to show off by then.

So I have to talk to other girls since I'm not sure about my future with Wahl. I talked to a new girl today called, let's call her Mary. She's cool. We've been texting each other a bunch the whole day today basically. She's fun and easy to talk to. Again we're in the phase where she's extremely open and loving when you talk to them for the first time and you're talking, sharing experiences and desires. I've been through it several times. Kelly was the most recent, and that one ended up not working out after a few days. I hope that doesn't happen with Mary, but we'll see. She says we can talk over the phone and facetime anytime, just text her first. I told her we can talk over the phone tomorrow probably.

There's also three other women I'm talking to. I haven't set up any dates with any of them, but they're open to the idea. They've all already said yes to a date, except one, and they only haven't agreed because I haven't asked them. One I'll probably go on a date with this month, another probably in February or March, and the next one probably not anytime soon.

I told my vegan friends that I work out with I'd be back in Puerto Rico on like January 5th or something. But we'll see if that happens. The meals here are so much cheaper than in Puerto Rico. I think I'd want to stay here longer just to lose some weight. The biggest weakness being that I don't have any gym subscriptions here, and it's way too cold outside to walk in. I mean it's not freezing enough for snow, it only rained today, but it's still cold enough that it's uncomfortable to walk. I used to walk in this kind of weather every day, sometimes just with a shirt and pants, but now that I've lived in Puerto Rico for a while, this is too cold to me.

So my mom suggested walking in the mall instead. It's this big mall nearby where I live. Around 6 PM, my dad and I drove there and we walked there for around 40 minutes. In the middle of that, I met up with my friend Goony, who was one of my first friends in the United States ever. I met him in 3rd grade, and we were friends for a while. In middle school, I gave him my Runescape password, and he stole my green halloween mask, worth like $100 today. Let me check. It's worth 2.4 billion Runescape gold, 1 billion of which is worth $43 right now, so it's worth around $120 actually. Anyway, we caught up for a bit, told him how my parents and I, we drove around his neighborhood and other neighborhoods i used to live in, and we talked about him too.

What's so weird is that this is the second time I ever saw Goony randomly, going to a place I rarely go to, like rarely as in once every 5 years or something. I went to GMU back in like 2018 or so, and Goony randomly saw me there. He called out to me "MEGG!!" from his car, as I was crossing the street. Which is so weird. The coincidence needed for him to end up at that very spot in traffic, because he was stuck in traffic, to randomly see me, holy moly, that's some insane synchronicity or coincidence. Today too. This is the very first time I ever went to this mall to just walk around in, and he was randomly there. He lives like 40-50 minutes from here. What was he doing here? He says he was just out shopping. Wtf.

Anyway we talked and caught up for a bit. He says I looked great, that I lost so much weight, that I look good now. The funny thing is that I ate so much last night for the New Year's that like, this is the worst I've looked the past week, but I still got complimented. Dang. That's awesome. Anyway we talked a bunch and caught up, and I texted his phone number, which is the same that I've always had on my phone. He was probably one of my first contacts ever. This guy is one of the first people I've ever met in the United States, we were in the same third grade class together, and have been to each other's houses as kids a bunch of times. Insane how we would randomly run into each other a second time.

I take random signs like this as synchronicity, good luck, serendipity, fate saying this is the right path, and so on. I'm going to keep working out and exercising, improving my health, and also working on my business. Another sign like this is having a plane's shadow fly over me. It's rare, but I've seen it happen at some of my lowest points. Actually, I don't even know if they were my lowest points, but they were just times of uncertainty. It's happened a bunch of times actually, like at least 3 times I've had a plane's shadow cast right on top of me, first time was probably in 2019. It's probably happened much more times than that that I didn't notice.

The plane's shadow phenomenon is amazing. It lasts just a second, or less, but it's very noticeable. There's a thread on reddit called "[Request] What are the chances of a plane's shadow falling over you?" let me check it out. I have three distinct memories of it happening to me that are extremely vivid in my mind. So let's see. Kinda interesting, if you live close to an airport or are close to one, basically the chances are in a month that it would happen at least once is close to 100%. But I have a different view. Oh dang, a fourth memory of one just popped up.

I mean like a small visible shadow, not small, but pretty big, but not huge enough to block out the sun for 1500m as the calculations on that post state. Maybe like 10 yards big? By.1 yard, I mean like 3 feet, so 30 feet big. Something like that, something big, but also small. I've seen several shadows that big, fly right above me, and cover me in its shadow. It's very vivid and obvious because you can see the plane's shadow right there, and see it fly and move away from you a second later, and it's clearly visibly a plane's shadow, because it's shaped like that. And when you look up, you can see a plane in the distance (but I only experienced this once since I only looked up once). I've had this happen a few times.

So I think the chances of that happening, are much smaller than 100% certainty in a month. The shadow's footprint is way too small.

Anyway at home, I renewed the Habitica challenges again, and then just chilled for a bit. I messaged Mary again. And yeah. I'm pretty sleepy now.

Anyway that was my first day of the year. I hope the rest of the year goes just as great.

Written by JustMegawatt

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