Jan. 2, 2024

Mostly productive day

11:27 PM

Today has been a mostly productive day. I woke up and did some exercises again in the morning. Those were fun. I did arm curls for a while, like many minutes, and also some ab exercises. For the first time in my life I'm starting to feel some burning in my ab muscles. Doing random ab exercises in the gym didn't make me feel anything, neither did doing 100 leg raises, but these exercises do.

I did some work today, not that much, but a little bit.

I also jogged a bit today outside in the cold. My heart rate was over 150 even doing a light jog, I'm guessing due to the cold outside.

Mary messaged me again today and I messaged her back at night.

I guess those were pretty much the highlights of today. I posted a bit on X again. I tracked my calories and exercises in the BetterMe app. I played some Impulse games again. I played this really stupid game too called, uhh, We Do Battle or something like that. I don't remember, but it's a dumb and very addicting game. It's so addicting.

That was pretty much my whole day today!!!

Overall I think it was productive because I did a lot of exercises, and I even jogged outside which is a new thing for me. I also wrote in today's journal! 2 days in a row so far in the year, and so far so good. This year is already looking to be good.

Written by JustMegawatt

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