Jan. 3, 2024

Normal work day, phone call date with Mary

11:52 PM

I have a lot more respect and appreciation for anime and everything else in general. I kinda knocked some anime a while back saying that there was a bunch of anime that were bad and sucked, but honestly, I think most of them are great now. I just think of the artwork, the voice acting, the story, and all that, and realize a lot of work and effort were put into them. I can think "this anime sucks" but unless I can think of a way to improve it, then my opinion honestly has no weight there. I can't think of a way to improve basically any anime.

I mean obviously a lot of stories have huge plot holes, but that's normal and expected from creating stories and lore from thin air. I'm currently watching this anime called The Law of Ueki, and it's about this honest and naive kid who was given the power to turn trash into trees from his celestial sponsor, and there's this tournament of people with super powers to have their sponsor become the king of the celestial world and also get the power of blank, blank meaning anything.

The story makes almost no sense with the most random of event occurring throughout the story, but the anime is still pretty good. Unlike Pokemon, Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh, etc, this anime isn't selling anything. It's just some random cartoon of random events and battles. I feel like whoever wrote the story is basically a first grader, because the story is so basic, but I still can't really find ways to improve it. I think the anime is good. Ueki is a very noble character, he loses a bunch of his talents but he's able to work hard to become good again. He lost his talent to study, so he takes like 2 weeks to catch up in his studies again, and he loses no hope in doing so. I like his character so much.

Anyway I don't remember much from today. I had a meeting again and showed up with my camera on this time. Usually I have it off. That was fun.

I did some exercises in the morning using the BetterMe app. It really isn't easy, but I feel so accomplished after doing them. I also didn't eat too much today, which is great.

The highlight of today was my FaceTime date with Mary. We clicked. We've been texting pretty well and get along great, but I did not expect us to match up so well on FaceTime too. She's awesome, I like her. Our call lasted two hours, and we had limitless things to talk about. She was just so knowledgeable in so many areas just like me, and we just matched up the whole way through.

Yeah I was considering meeting up with those other dating prospect girls, but if we mesh well in real life too, we're planning on meeting up this weekend, then I'd be fine just being with her to be honest. She is awesome.

Written by JustMegawatt

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