Jan. 5, 2024

Prepared for date, did some work

11:58 PM

Today was a very basic day. I received some text messaged from Mary in the morning, and then I guess I spent the next few hours just preparing for my date tomorrow. I tried on some different clothes, I took a shower and trimmed my beard and mustache, I checked myself out in the mirror, I trimmed my nails, I put on some teeth whitening strips, just different things to prepare for my date tomorrow. I also made sure to not each that much, I ate around 1500 calories today. Hopefully I'm a pound less for tomorrow.

I did some work today too. I mean I can't believe the time just went by so fast and it seems like barely anything happened, but yeah I also did some work today. I watched some anime today too, Talentless Nana again. I think it's a good anime.

My dad and I went to Burlington to look for a winter jacket, for my date tomorrow. I didn't tell them I was going on a date tomorrow, but I told them I wanted to borrow my mom's car. I'll tell her that it's for a date tomorrow. We also went to Wal-Mart. I wanted to buy some ear muffs, but we couldn't find any. I didn't buy anything at Burlington, but at Wal-Mart I bought some thermals for my upper and lower body, since I couldn't find a decent winter jacket at Burlington. I also bought some gloves, and a kombucha, and vegan lip balm. There was only one brand that didn't have any beeswax and that said it was vegan.

Anyway I'm pretty psyched. I've been texting Mary every day and we've just been discussing a lot of different topics, including our plans for tomorrow, and even our relationship goals. Ours match. If this works out between us, we can be a family.

Anyway, that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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