Feb. 17, 2024

eevee stats & discussion

Our Eevees so far:

  • Sherbet the Sylveon (level 23, no useful passives): A pre-evo we picked up with a master biscuit. Waste of 4k sleep points. PSA: Don’t use master biscuits on pre-evos, they’re typically vastly inferior to a handpicked pokemon with good passives that you evolved yourself
  • Dorito the Flareon (level 13, sleep exp bonus): Got cut from the Taupe squad, our most competitive squad. I’m not convinced we have the ingredient economy to support him anyway.
  • Daiquiri the Glaceon (level 15, helping speed M): Formerly team leader of the Snowdrop squad, but all he does is cause problems on purpose and I’m considering booting him.
  • Poptart the Espeon (level 19, skill level up M): Lapis squad member. Exists solely to increase Snorlax’s strength by 2,383. However, that’s pretty good.
  • Kiwano the Jolteon (level 25, sleep exp + helping bonus) & Pineapple the Jolteon (level 17, helping speed M): they don’t even have a home biome yet. someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this, my Eevees are dying


I have just enough candy to evolve another Eevee. The logical choice would be someone I don’t have, aka Umbreon/Leafeon/Vaporeon. However, I’m actually planning another Sylveon:

  • My evo candidate is a shiny Eevee with skill level up M. This is too good not to use.
  • Umbreon and Leafeon don’t want that passive. (Umbreon boosts his own energy, so he prefers a berry finder passive. Leafeon boosts a random team member’s energy, which just plain sucks.) Vaporeon, as an ingredient finder, could make use of it, but we already have a superior ingredient mon (Blastoise) on our Cyan team.
  • Sylveon, meanwhile, has Energy for Everyone. At level 4, he’d be dishing out 11 energy. He’d be my premium energy generator. Also, shiny Sylveon is the best shiny Eevee.
  • Granted, this is only a moderate improvement over my Wigglytuffs (Parfait, level 14, skill level up S; Jellybean, level 15 shiny, helping bonus) and takes significant investment (evolving him requires three weeks in Snowdrop, plus candy). But I’ve been planning to head back to Snowdrop at some point anyway. Last time I was there, my Houndoom (Brisket) didn’t yet have berry finder S, and I think my Raticate (Rye) wasn’t level 30.


I’m definitely spending next week in Lapis for the full moon exp boost. After that is up in the air. I’ll see how I feel about the Lapis squad’s progress at that point. (Kaiser will probably/hopefully be close to level 30. Nonya Kueh will probably be like level 16, lol -exp nature.)

Written by Achaius

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