March 14, 2024

Did Surfing Lessons for 8 Hours, Lost Apple Watch

11:43 PM

Today has been so eventful that I don't even remember what I did yesterday. I didn't write a journal entry for yesterday, and I am honestly having a hard time recollecting what I did yesterday (other than go to the gym at night with some friends). Maybe I really didn't do anything else at all besides that? I truly don't remember.

I probably did my dailies again Yesterday (Wednesday) as always. I skipped out doing my workouts on Tuesday because my forearms were sore from lifting weights on Monday. I tried doing a pull up for example, but I could feel some sort of overuse soreness pain on my forearms, so I stopped after one pull up, and I didn't do any other exercises (on Tuesday). I also don't really remember what else I did on Wednesday other than my dailies.

On Wednesday (yesterday), I did my workout dailies again, and the soreness was gone. I was able to do 6 pull ups in a row, a few seconds break, and then 7 chin ups in a row. I still find doing chin ups easier than doing pull ups, but surprisingly I can pretty much do as many pull ups as I can chin ups. Previously, when I was first able to just do one chin up only, I wasn't able to do any pull ups yet at all. I think I even got to the point that I was able to do 5 bad chin ups (not going all the way down, not going all the way up) before I could even do 1 chin up of any kind.

My chin ups and pull ups are proper now, I make sure to cross my legs and lift them up a little, so that they aren't touching the ground when I go all the way down, and I make sure to go all the way down, arms outstretched, and then I lift myself all the way up, until my neck is above the bar. I can't really go any further up than just above my neck for now. It's really hard. Even if I just do 1 rep of me trying to pull myself even higher than my neck, like to my chest for example, I don't think I'm able to.

Then an entire day went by, and then I went to the gym with my friends at night time. Eric told me that he needed help in his surfing school for tomorrow (today), and that it would be a lot of physical work. I told him I wanted to do the job because I wanted the physical exercise, and it was something new. He told me to wake up early and be at the beach at 9 AM tomorrow (today).

So that brings us to today. I actually woke up at around 9 AM, since I fell asleep at like 1 AM last night. So I got 8 hours of sleep, which is amazing. I barely had time to change and I think maybe I took a shower, but I don't remember. Anyway I got all my stuff packed and ready, and why did I do this, I wore my Apple Watch. I drove to the beach and got there around 9:30 AM, and I met up with Eric and got introduced to three new young, single women that would help out with the surfing school today too. We can call them, man, there's just one person who's name I'm not sure of. I do think I know her name, but it's not a common name, I only know one celebrity who has that name and it's not even her real name, so I'm not sure if that's actually her name.

Anyway, let's call them Tori, Lori, and Paulie. That's easy to remember. All three of them are very attractive. Eric and Guy were also there. Even though I arrived at 9:30 AM, they still weren't really doing anything as the surfing students hadn't arrived yet, so we just sat on some surfboards and talked for around 30 minutes. That was so much fun being a group of girls and guys just socializing, talking, making jokes, this was so much fun. Especially being surrounded by attractive women in bikinis, this was so much fun to me as a guy.

Eventually it became around 10 AM, and the bus with the students was arriving, so Eric told Guy and I to go to the bus area to pick up the students, while they did some other setting up or something. We went to the bus stop and just waited there for like 5 minutes, and then directed the crowd through the hotel, to the beach, to do the lessons. We do these lessons in front of a hotel that's in front of the beach. Guy wore a vegan jacket that said a message like "If you are not vegan you are an animal abuser" so everyone could see it since he was leading us to the beach, I think that's pretty badass.

At the beach, this was my first time doing these lessons, so I basically just observed my first time through. Eric did his instructions, and I did the exercises with him, just following along. This was a large group of people, like 30 people or so. I kinda looked like I knew what I was doing, because I wore a long sleeve beach shirt, and I wore a bright red sun hat, one of those hats with a 360 degree wide rim all around, and has that string to keep it on your head. It just looked like I was a pro. So many people came up to me for help, and asked me questions, my opinions, and etc. even though I have never gone surfing before nor knew how to surf.

So the job was pretty much open ended. Lori was assigned to just take pictures of the group, while Paulie had the same role as me to just help out in the water. Tori is an official worker there and knows how to surf, so she was the expert, but Paulie and I were assigned to do the same role as her, as was Guy. Four of us would basically just help out in the water, hold the surfboards for the students to get on, and give them instructions and a push when the waves came.

This was easier said than done, the waves were massive today. Very massive. Guy and Eric said this wasn't normal and the waves were usually calmer, but today they were hard, strong, large, and deep. At the beginning I had no idea what I was doing, so I just helped people get on the surfboard and then I tried to push them forward, and yeah, I was just getting used to it. Like I said we weren't really given any proper instructions, Guy and Tori didn't give me any instructions even though they've done this for a while, so I just improvised, as did Paulie. But Paulie eventually got out of the water and just stood next to Lori the whole time, I think they just talked and took photos. I'm not knocking them for this, they are just volunteers and also weren't really given proper instructions.

Plus, and this only applies to people I'm attracted to and could potentially be partners with. With my ex, I didn't feel this way towards anyone except for my ex, because she was my girlfriend at the time. So I feel like, again with those prior mentioned conditions, if they don't want to work, then I will just take care of whatever for them. Yeah, she wouldn't have to worry about anything. Since I felt attracted to both, and I could potentially be anyone's partner, I'm all in for taking care of them and them not doing anything. That's cool with me. If I had a girlfriend though, I might feel like "why aren't they doing anything," which would also have been valid, but I didn't think that, I thought instead "I would be so happy to take care of them" which is possibly a weird thought. It's definitely discriminatory in a way, pretty privilege.

So yeah, for around 3 hours or so, I swam in the beach, before the class ended at around 1 PM. I think some other new class eventually came in during this time too. This was a very physically demanding job. I learned a lot socializing and talking to so many people today. Like I said, I interacted with tens of people. It was fun being friendly and being looked up to as a source for knowledge (even though I never surfed before and I was just giving advice based on reasonable assumptions).

Like one of the advice I gave was that you know a big wave is coming when you hear it crashing behind you. No one told me this advice or anything, I learned it from experience, having helped so many people get on their surfboard, and giving them a push when the waves came, you hear it behind you when it's a big wave. I think it's reasonable advice to be honest, I told people this, they used it, and from my observations, it's helped them. But I'm just a beginner with basically no knowledge and no experience. I never got to surf on a surfboard the entire day.

A dubious advice I gave one time, and only once, because I saw that it wasn't always accurate, was to line up your board perpendicular to the shore. This would be reasonable, if the waves always came straight, directly parallel to the shore. However, sometimes the waves came angled so lining up with the shore would cause you to be hit by a wave angled, so this advice wasn't great.

But yeah, I helped quite a few people stand up on their board and surf. It's so rewarding helping someone onto a board, giving them advice, and then watching them surf. I don't get any reward for it, but I mean, the reward is the joy I felt from helping someone out. And it's cool because I stood out with my outfit, that so many people asked me for help and this was so fun.

At some point we took a break, and we went to the surfboard stand and just sat in front and started talking. Yeah, this was talking with the girls. I felt really cool. Tori at some point came up to me and just gave me a double high five with two hands. Like, that was random, but cool, I felt so accepted. Anyway we talked again, and it was so cool talking in this group again of just three attractive young women in bikinis, and three guys, and yeah it was fun. Eric basically wasn't there, I think he was doing something else, so it was basically just me and Guy and the three women, and I basically lead the conversation the whole time. We added each other on Instagram, they followed me, and I followed them. I asked Lori and Paulie if they wanted to go hiking with Eric and I on Sunday, or next weekend, they said sure, so I think we'll do that.

It's so much fun just connecting with people. We shared a bit of ourselves, our lives, and facts about where we were from, and stuff like that. It's just cool. Randomly, one of the students gave me a $20 tip. A student, I say student but this was a middle aged adult man with a wife and kids, he just came up to me, while there was 5 of us, and gave me the $20. That was kinda cool receiving it, I didn't really know what do to with it, so I think I gave it to Guy and told him to put it in Eric's backpack to split with us. He hasn't yet.

Anyway, there was eventually another surf group. There were 3 groups I helped out in total. This last group was all guys, high school students. There is a big difference in helping out guys and women. For the first two groups, I helped out both guys and women, but it was mainly women. They definitely could do their own thing, but I think they needed more help, like they asked me for help more than the guys, and when they wiped out, falling down due to a wave, they kinda made comments or asked how they could do better or something.

With the guys, if they wiped out, no matter how brutal it was, they would just get back on and try again, like relentless mindless robots that don't feel any pain or emotion. It was so bizarre I think. That guy just wiped out, but he doesn't really give a shit, and just gets back on and tries again. With women, maybe I just feel more protective of them, I think that's it, but I feel like they are kinda more delicate too. I don't really know, some of the women surfers were pretty adamant and also just kept going, but they also needed more help and instruction, and were way more open to it. The adamant woman I'm thinking about just accepted instructions and help the whole time, whereas sometimes the guys were like "nah I got this" and then they'd just try it on their own.

Anyway this was tiring. At some point I noticed I lost my Apple Watch. It was probably shortly after I lost my Apple Watch that I noticed I lost it. Like I'm too distracted by a lot of things to be thinking about it at all, but when I did notice it was missing, I think less than a minute passed before I noticed gone. The waves were just intense and kept throwing me and everyone else around the whole time. I still feel a wave-like vertigo as I write this, I feel like my body is being pushed and rocked back and forth by the waves, even though I'm lying in bed still as I write this. I was just in the water for so long, that this is how it feels right now.

Anyway at some point the lessons ended, and I did some clean up, like moving the surfboards back. It was hard lifting up these massive surfboards and moving them, I'd move two at a time, and I was tired and exhausted. I liked the exercise though. When I rinsed and finished up, the last group with all guy students were at the nearby hotel restaurant. They called out to me and told me thank you as I walked by. I didn't really even notice them, but it was honestly so cool having them all call out to me and thank me. That was so rewarding. That was so amazing to be recognized.

When I got back home, I used the bathroom, and then when I looked at myself in the mirror, my entire face was red. I used sunscreen the whole day so this was strange, but yeah I got sunburned. After eating, I went out to the local CVS or Wal-Greens or whatever that pharmacy is, it could also be Rite-Aid, but I doubt it. I bough some after sun gel, a premium one for $14, and the normal one for $4, and I bought some of those fruits in a cup, and a large bottle of V8 green vegetable juice. I was annoyed by my face turning red, so I got these products and high antioxidant foods to help repair this damage to my skin.

I think it worked, within an hour or so of applying the premium gel, and eating the high antioxidant foods, and also using the red light therapy lights in my room, my face isn't red anymore. My nose still is, which is strange, but the rest of my face isn't.

Anyway, that was my day today. I really enjoyed today even though I did lose my Apple Watch. I will probably just buy a new one, or buy an Apple Watch Ultra 2.

Also today is March 14th, which is a significant day for me. It was a pretty life changing day for me in March 14th, 2015. Those days felt like such a long time ago. I'm kinda happy my life was entirely renewed from that day on-wards. I don't want to talk about it now though, maybe I never will. But that day was significant to me.

Written by JustMegawatt

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