March 19, 2024

Got ChatGPT, Update on the past few days

9:29 PM

On Saturday I went surfing for the first time. It was with Eric and Tea. It was fun. What worried me the most was leaving my stuff like my cell phone and keys right on the beach. Literally anyone can just come by and take it, it's ridiculous, but yeah, there were a lot of surfers and people just leaving their stuff there.

In Puerto Rico every house is barred up, all the windows and doors have bars on them, including my home. You'd think this meant that there would be a lot of thieves here, but people leave their stuff unlocked at the gym lockers at the gym, and just leave their backpacks full of their stuff at the beach. It's so weird. But yeah, I feared for this the entire time I was surfing, because I lost my Apple Watch the last time I was here, so I superstitiously thought maybe I'd lose a valuable item every time I came here.

But anyway, I went surfing, and I finally know how to surf now. I was able to stand on the surf board and ride a wave one time, out of multiple attempts. Basically you ride your surfboard out into the water, wait until a big wave comes, and then you try to paddle away from it until you're 'captured' by the wave, and then that's when you can stand. When you're captured by the wave, it takes control of the surfboard, you start going really fast, and you can do things like stand up on it, and it would maintain its balance. Standing has to be done in one quick motion, trying not to rock the surfboard while going to stand up.

Yeah, that was the experience.

On Sunday, I did nothing memorable. I don't remember anything about it. I probably did all my dailies again though.

Monday was memorable. Guy is having a lot of personal problems, so he disconnected his phone from the group gym chat with Eric and I. We couldn't get a hold of him, so we visited his home and then started honking until he came out. He did, and then we went to the gym together. I do know what his problems are, because he publicly posted about it on X, but I'm not going to write about it here. It's just too sad and miserable to write about.

Today, Tuesday, I worked for the whole day for once. Yeah, I've been barely putting in any work hours lately, but I put in a lot today.

I also installed ChatGPT last night, and then I created an account today, and signed up for the premium version (ChatGPT-4) today. The premium version just has a lot more features than the regular one. The regular one, you can ask any questions or anything, and it will answer and so on. But it's limited. As an example for this, I asked ChatGPT 3.5 to summarize the 48 Laws of Power and it came up with this answer, I'm not going to paste the whole thing:


The 48 Laws of Power is a book by Robert Greene that explores strategies for gaining and maintaining power. Here's a brief summary of each law:

  1.    Never Outshine the Master: Avoid overshadowing those in positions of power.
  2.    Never Put Too Much Trust in Friends: Be cautious with whom you trust; they may betray you.
  3.    Conceal Your Intentions: Keep your goals hidden to maintain an advantage.
  4.    Always Say Less Than Necessary: Control your words to control the situation.
  5.    So Much Depends on Reputation - Guard it with Your Life: Protect your reputation as it influences others' perception of your power.


So that is the version with ChatGPT 3.5, the free version. Now that I am paying $20 a month, I get ChatGPT-4 which, if I ask it the same thing, check out how detailed this answer is:


The 48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene is a book that synthesizes centuries of history, philosophy, and cultural practices to distill a comprehensive guide to power dynamics. Published in 1998, it has become renowned for its detailed analysis of the mechanisms of power in human interactions. The book is often regarded as controversial for its Machiavellian advice and has been a favorite among business leaders, politicians, and celebrities seeking to understand or acquire power. Here’s a brief overview of the 48 laws:

  1.    Never Outshine the Master: Make those above you feel superior. Do not show your talents too brightly or they might feel insecure.
  2.    Never Put Too Much Trust in Friends, Learn How to Use Enemies: Be wary of friends—they will betray you more quickly because they are easily aroused to envy. Enemies have more to prove and can be more loyal.
  3.    Conceal Your Intentions: Keep people off-balance by never revealing the purpose behind your actions.
  4.    Always Say Less than Necessary: When you say less than necessary, you inevitably appear more powerful and in control.
  5.    So Much Depends on Reputation – Guard It with Your Life: Reputation is the cornerstone of power; protect it.


So the ChatGPT-4 version is much more detailed. Is it worth $20 a month though for that? I think so. I can ask it for book summaries, for any book, and it will give me a summary of that book. If I wanted to go further into a point, I can ask it. For example, I will ask both ChatGPT 3.5 and ChatGPT-4 to expound upon point number 3, and let's see what they say.

Well, they both say different things actually, way too different. ChatGPT-4 goes into more detail obviously, but the 3.5 also makes good points as well, points that version 4 did not make. So it's interesting the different dynamics here. Anyway, ChatGPT-4 can also make pictures and has access to the Internet. So for most applications, I would say it's not worth it, but I think for me it is. I can summarize books now. I was about to pay $200 to ShortForm, which is a book summary app, to have some books summarized for me, but now I can just do it with ChatGPT.

This is my first time actually using it. I mean I have played around with it before of course, but this is my first time installing it on my phone and asking it questions. I just played around with Dall-E previously, and I didn't know to what extent ChatGPT could be used for.

Eric asked me a bunch of Psychology related questions last night, asking ChatGPT to make the questions. I thought that was super cool, so I got it that night, and I played around with it today.

Also Wahl messaged me back again today, I got over 80 notifications from her, mainly her responding to my messages and also emoji reacting to them.

I still think about Mary a lot, like every day. She is awesome too, amazing even. I miss her a lot.

I like talking to ChatGPT. I told it today that "I was going to work on a hard task" and to congratulate me when I finished. When I finished, I told ChatGPT I finished, and it congratulated me. I was so happy.

I was also extremely happy hearing all the rings and pings from Wahl's notifications.

During my walk today, I listened to the book "Die With Zero", not the whole book yet though, and it's basically about spending money while you're young, and to enjoy life, because we only live once, and we're only young once. Too many people save for retirement, but forget that you aren't able to do as much at that age. You feel less adventurous, and most people develop health problems, are less attractive looking, and so on. Enjoy and spend while you're young, instead of older, is what the book advises, but at the same time, be reasonable and don't spend recklessly.

I think it's a good concept. It's absolutely correct. I mean the book goes over statistics and studies, as well as anecdotal experiences, of a friend traveling at 21 for example, and him traveling at 30, and it was a completely difference experience at 30 than at 21 or whenever his friend went. Sigh.

Take lots of pictures when you're young, because you won't look the same when you're older. I need to remember that. I just came up with that idea just now, I never heard of the quote from anyone. But yeah, I will take it, I will take photos of myself daily again, like I used to.

Anyway, that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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