March 20, 2024

Worked, More ChatGPT, Responded to Wahl, Friend Tripped on Acid, Strategic Virtue Compounding (SVC)

12:34 AM (of Thursday, March 21st 2024)

Today is Wednesday, March 20th 2024 and it was a good day today. I did my dailies again, doing 7 pull ups, 7 chin ups, and 31 push ups in a row. It's really hard to do these exercises. My fingers hurt for doing 7 pull ups and 7 chin ups for example, and then it's exhausting doing 31 push ups in a row.

I did the brain training exercises again, I'm in the 95th percentile of the Peak brain training game now. I want to reach the 99th percentile for all of the brain training games that I'm using.

I did not sweep today. I skipped doing this for some reason, but I shouldn't have.

ChatGPT has been amazing. Last night, I asked it to give me some programming challenges in Python, and I gave it a certain format to use. I told it to use test cases, and to use this template I gave it, so that I could copy and paste the challenge code and attempt it myself. The template I gave it had the description of the challenge in a comment, and then a space for the implementation of function to be written in, plus the test cases, plus the optimal solution just in case I needed help, and a unittest.main function to run automatically. ChatGPT was able to fulfill this request, I was so blown away last night when I got it to do this.

Another ChatGPT thing that blew me away, was that I gave it three authors: Jeff Olson of The Slight Edge, Epictetus of The Discourses of Epictetus, and Robert Greene of the 48 Laws of Power, and veganism. I told ChatGPT to combine the philosophies of these three authors and veganism, and to come up with an original philosophical framework that melds all their ideas together, and it came up with the idea of Strategic Virtue Compounding (SVC), and a long description of what it was. I did a search online for Strategic Virtue Compounding, and it wasn't a philosophy that anyone had written about.

This was so ingenious. I was blown away. I was so blown away when I read this. It perfectly combines all their three philosophies from their most famous works, into one, and it's an idea that works perfectly. I need to ask it more questions on this, like about self-discipline, virtue, and so on, and it would expound these ideas further in the context of SVC.

I asked ChatGPT to come up with this concept again, and this is a description of what it came up with:

"Strategic Virtue Compounding (SVC) is an expansive philosophical framework that weaves together the insights of Jeff Olson, Epictetus, Robert Greene, and the ethical considerations of veganism into a comprehensive approach for personal growth, ethical living, and strategic influence. This framework is designed to guide individuals in achieving their goals while maintaining a strong ethical compass and fostering a positive impact on the world around them.

Philosophy of SVC

The SVC philosophy is grounded in the belief that personal development and success are achieved through the accumulation of small, daily actions (inspired by Jeff Olson's "The Slight Edge"), a stoic approach to life's challenges (drawing from Epictetus), strategic thinking in social interactions (adapted from Robert Greene's "The 48 Laws of Power"), and a commitment to ethical living and compassion towards all sentient beings (rooted in veganism).

Principles of SVC

  1. Incremental Improvement and Compassion: Embrace the power of small, daily actions that align with your ethical values, particularly those that promote compassion towards animals, the environment, and fellow humans. Understand that these actions compound over time, leading to significant personal growth and a positive impact on the world.
  2. Control, Acceptance, and Ethical Living: Focus on what is within your control, including your choices regarding consumption and how they affect other beings and the planet. Accept what you cannot change and strive to live according to your values, promoting a life of minimal harm and maximum compassion.
  3. Strategic Action with Integrity: Navigate social and professional landscapes with strategic acumen, informed by Greene's insights, but always through the lens of ethical integrity. Your strategies for influence and power should never compromise your commitment to non-violence, fairness, and the well-being of all living creatures.
  4. Virtuous Living in All Aspects: Combine strategic action with a deep commitment to living virtuously, which includes making choices that reflect respect for life in all its forms. This principle integrates Greene’s pragmatism with vegan ethics and Epictetus's emphasis on living according to virtue.
  5. Reflection, Adaptation, and Advocacy: Regularly reflect on your actions, their alignment with your ethical standards, and their impact on the world. Be willing to adapt your strategies and behaviors in response to new insights and the evolving landscape of ethical understanding. Advocate for positive change, using your influence to promote awareness and adoption of ethical practices.

Pragmatic Application to Daily Life

  1. Conscious Consumption: Make daily choices that reflect your commitment to reducing harm and promoting well-being, such as adopting a plant-based diet, supporting sustainable and ethical products, and minimizing waste.
  2. Ethical Decision Making: Apply the dichotomy of control to ethical dilemmas, focusing on actionable options that align with your values. Consider the long-term impacts of your choices on other beings and the environment.
  3. Strategic Influence for Good: Use your understanding of power dynamics and influence to advocate for ethical causes, animal rights, and environmental sustainability. Aim to inspire and educate others, leveraging your influence for positive change.
  4. Professional and Personal Development: Seek opportunities for growth that also allow you to contribute to a more ethical and compassionate world. Whether in your career or personal life, approach challenges with a mindset of resilience and a heart for advocacy.
  5. Self-Reflection and Community Engagement: Evaluate your impact and growth regularly, seeking feedback from both your inner conscience and your community. Engage with others to foster a supportive network committed to ethical living and mutual growth.

Strategic Virtue Compounding offers a path to personal success and fulfillment that does not compromise ethical principles but instead integrates them into every aspect of life. By adopting SVC, individuals can lead by example, demonstrating that success and influence can be achieved while living a life of compassion, integrity, and strategic virtue."

I love this concept and idea. Am I the originator of the idea, for being the one to ask ChatGPT to come up with this idea, or is ChatGPT the originator of the idea, for taking my concept I came up with, and making it whole? I would like to take credit for the creator of this philosophy. I am the first person in the world to ask it to do this.

Anyway, I also gave it a few of my journal entries, and asked it to write a journal entry for a hypothetical day, based on what I had written in the past. It came up with a journal entry much better in terms of eloquence, than I ever have in the past. It's crazy. Of course it's just a hypothetical day, and so it wasn't creative in what it described, it didn't make up any random events like Mary visiting me again out of nowhere, or Eric needing help on something and me helping out, it just gave a repeat of some of my past days doing dailies, and doing nothing else basically.

Wahl responded to me last night, so I responded to her today. It took me like 3-4 hours to respond to her 40+ text messages. Yeah it took a really long time. Whew. I liked responding to her though. I miss talking to Mary too.

Eric and Guy and I met up at the local gym that's like 2 minutes away from where I lived. We were planning on working out, after walking around outside and warming up, I discussed ChatGPT stuff with Eric, and showed him some of the stuff I was able to get it to do, like coming up with SVC, and he was blown away too. I am so blown away by ChatGPT.

While we were about to start working out, a guy called him up and said he was tripping on acid. This guy is some other dude, I'm going to be vague with his description since he's doing something illegal. He did a terrible stupid thing in my opinion, he got high on the beach and tripped on acid, and couldn't get back to his Airbnb because he couldn't use his phone since he was tripping so much. So we left the gym to pick this guy up, and we chilled at Eric's pool for a bit. Later we helped drop him off at his Airbnb, which took us like an hour to find, because Google Maps couldn't lead us to it properly, and he couldn't remember where it was. This was so bad. I'd write more details, but I don't want to, it's not a great subject to write about.

Apparently Eric is having 4 girl over at his place tomorrow, so I'm sleeping over at his place tomorrow night, with 4 girls. He has like a 1 bedroom apartment, so I think we're all sharing the same bed. I wonder what will happen? We'll of course be hanging out at the pool first, but yeah, 4 girls, and 4 guys (he invited Guy and the guy who got high on acid too) in one bed, this will be fun.

So yeah, that was my day today. I need to study SVC more. I like this wholly original concept. So cool.

Oh yeah, I worked today too, and got some work done, and was in a work meeting. So today has been very productive.

Written by JustMegawatt

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