March 31, 2024

you bought it, you break it

We went to Easter service at the country church. The sermon was on Revelation 5, which is a wild Easter selection, except that the pastor entirely glossed over the import of the passage.

According to Revelation 5, because Jesus died and became the salvation of mankind, he is worthy to break the seals of the horsemen of the apocalypse and wreak untold global destruction. By saving the world he gained the sole right to destroy it. Basically the reverse of the usual “you break it, you bought it.” Pretty spicy for an Easter message. Except the horsemen of the apocalypse don’t come out until Revelation 6, so the pastor just conveniently ignored that whole part and preached about how Jesus is worthy and we should honor him and such.

Also, in the restroom, there was a framed placard explaining that wood from the dogwood tree was used to make Jesus’ cross, and in consequence (apparently as a favor to the tree, which was sad about the whole thing) Jesus made it so the dogwood would never again grow large enough for its planks to be used for crosses. Fake news!! I looked it up and dogwoods don’t even grow in Israel. Native to Europe, eastern Asia, and North America only.

Written by Achaius

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