March 7, 2020

2020/03/07 Königstöchter WE



The weekend was awesome.

At first I got snacks and three (1/2) pieces of cake! and some snacks. I read "Nathan der Weise" when I had time and by now I think I've got half of it.

Then we had a session and a game. "Wahrheit oder Pflicht" and it was fun.

I couldn't sleep well that night because it was so cold and didn't feel well half of the day.

God had touched me during the second worship time of the Session then , making me realize once again that I want to have a deep relationship with him, that he's allcI need and I don#t wanna be satisfied with what I have, how I hade lived all the time, but I want more of him, want to really feel him, knowing I won't sing for nothing but that it pleases him. Lea talked to me then and prayed for me. It's so owerwhelming, I guess I look sad whenever I cry but I'm actually happy every time. It only happened once I cried because something else there. And that was on Fallbreak two years ago or something.

Then we had "sport", lessons in self-defence. And then we had cake and coffe/cocoa. I've learned my lesson so I took cocoa. They were using the big coffee machine. After that we had Worskshops. I was in Nickys where we made key chains out of garn. I made a cross.

The worship evenig was awesome as well. I even got an "Eindruck" of Matthew 25, 23 :)

I may not understand completely, but I want to listen and I'm so glad he's happy about me. Ah, if I could litterally hug him!

Then we cleaned the house, I cleaned the toilets.

We drove home pretty late. I got a head of salad. Salad :)

Cute imagination, me with my salad *laugh emoji*

Then I should head to bed, I's very late.

I cancelled Kaffeebaar tomorrow, it's just too mcuh. ALthough, i would have gone but my mother was against it. No, I'm not sad, with the given curcumstances I really am glad i can get some sleep.


Written by Plesi`

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